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  • Author Cecelia Dowdy on Nephilim giants

    Cecelia Dowdy describes herself as a, “Contemporary and Historical Christian Romance Author…Christian Fiction Author” and posted some info regarding Nephilim which piqued my interest as a research-based author. One of her article regards, The Nephilim In Christian Fiction, which is a subject on which I have touched upon on occasion.She refers to Nephilim as, “these…

  • VIDEO: Movie review “Quatermass and the Pit” Ken Ammi on Matt and Luke’s Sci-Fi Sanctuary

    VIDEO: Movie review “Quatermass and the Pit” Ken Ammi on Matt and Luke’s Sci-Fi Sanctuary Another movie review episode with non-Japanese Japan dwellers!!! …this place is long notorious for weird happenings… —Miss Barbara Judd See my various books here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A plea: I have to pay for server usage and have made all content on this…

  • Chick Tracts on Sons of God or Angels? – Genesis 6

    The Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel posted a video titled Sons of God or Angels? – Genesis 6 the premise of which is the receipt of an email asking: I watched your video on the giants of Genesis 6, and for a long time I agreed with you. But this note in my study Bible…

  • Northwest Creation Network answers Who Were the Nephilim?

    Northwest Creation Network’s article Who Were the Nephilim? notes that, “Nephilim…are described as giants” which begs the questions: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles? What’s Northwest Creation Network’s usage? Do those two usages agree? It’s noted, “In the Greek Septuagint the word ‘nephilim’ was also translated…

  • Dasyd Ministry’s Jerry Hennig on Sons of God and Giants

    Dasyd Ministry’s Jerry Hennig posted, “Excerpts from the BN & Theme Books” regarding sons of God and giants. He notes upfront, “SONS OF YAH (GOD)…are simply fallen angels who seduced the daughters of men creating giant human offspring, and perhaps even strange and weird animal crossbreeds.” At this point, we must keep an eye out…

  • The New Atlantis asks Who Wants to Believe in UFOs?—and Nephilim giants

    Clare Coffey wrote an article titled Who Wants to Believe in UFOs? for The New Atlantis—“The purpose of The New Atlantis is to offer clarity and guidance at a moment when we seem to be losing confidence in one of the pillars of modern civilization. It is our hope to help us all — as…

  • Charisma’s James Lasher on Tony Merkel on Supernatural Connections: Exploring Nephilim and Scripture

    James Lasher wrote a post titled Supernatural Connections: Exploring Nephilim and Scripture for the Charisma website which is the website for, “The Magazine About Spirit-Led Living” which also reads, “About Charisma Magazine: To passionate, Spirit-filled Christians, Charisma is the leading charismatic media source that inspires them to radically change their world. Since 1975…” The post…

  • Review of Kevin C.’s “Why The Nephilim Matter”

    Kevin C. (“full time missionary…working toward his MTh at Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST)…teaches hermeneutics part time at a seminary,” etc.) posted an article titled Why The Nephilim Matter (Academia, 2020) which he begins by noting, “a long standing tradition of interpreting the Nephilim as the half-bread offspring of fallen angels and human beings.…

  • The New Atlantis asks Who Wants to Believe in UFOs?—and Nephilim giants

    Clare Coffey wrote an article titled Who Wants to Believe in UFOs? for The New Atlantis—“The purpose of The New Atlantis is to offer clarity and guidance at a moment when we seem to be losing confidence in one of the pillars of modern civilization. It is our hope to help us all — as…

  • Is Billy Carson right about the Bible? Wes Huff and Mark Minard lawsuits

    A little backfill: as of recent times (this being posted in Dec 2024 AD) self-styled expert on all things esoterica, Billy Carson, did what many, such as the pop-Nephilologists whom I so oft critique, ensure to never do: he made the tragic error of appearing on a platform wherein he was actually challenged and challenged…