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Book review: “Beyond Science Fiction!” by Jim Wilhelmsen

Published: 2004 AD Paperback, 348 pages ISBN: 9781440104718

Publisher: iUniverse

Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction and it is so, if for no other reason, for the very fact that it is true. Jim Wilhelmsen takes it up a notch, a dimension or two, by noting that truth is Beyond Science Fiction!
You can purchase it from Amazon in paperback or kindle or directly from the publisher iUniverse.

A mere perusal of this book’s table of contents makes it clear that you are in for a wild, interesting, informative and very, very (did I say “very”) fascinating ride! Here is a sample:

Flying Saucers How do they Fly? Where do they Travel? Technology not Magic The History of Man – Made UFOs Time Travel The Reality of Nazi UFOs Allied discoveries at the end of WWII Why Roswell? Mystery Babylon: Home of Jacob’s seed? The Selling out of America: Operation Paperclip and the Gehlen Organization Grays: A General Description The Hybrid: A Bridge between Two Entities: The Escape Route Cattle Mutilations: A “Mining” for Resources; Food and Construction Elements A Hollow Earth? Holes At The Poles? The Nordics: The End of the Genetic Rainbow

A History of Intervention

He also includes a researchers dream in the form of “Quotes and Text used from Researched Books” wherein he provides detailed citations that one can run with. Here is an example (p. 301):

1. Above Top Secret by Timothy Good Quill William Morrow 1988 pg 262, 263 — Death of Capt Mantelpg pg 391, 392 — Alleged captive dead bodies of Grey’s + description

pg 409, 410 — Alleged captive dead bodies of Hybrids+ description

He not only provides a standard citation but tell you on what page to find specific info—most useful!!!

But who is Mr. Wilhelmsen?:

Jim has had a lifelong interest in UFOs since he was a child in the late 50’s. This led to his current position as a Religious Research specialist for the Mutual UFO Network since 1996…Taking this experience with him into the investigation of UFOs and Alien abductions, Jim has become actively involved within the UFO community.
With two other colleagues, The Alien Abduction Crisis Centers of America was founded…[he ended up] setting up a book store/ museum in Roswell NM where he lived for four years. This book is the result of over ten years intensive first hand investigation and study of the subject and the people involved.
It promises to be one of the most comprehensive scripturally backed books written so far, that weaves many different topics into one story of Paradise lost and found…Unlike many sensational books that leave you left in fear and hopelessness, this book will leave you with hope and answers for the fearful things described and soon to fall upon an unsuspecting planet.

He notes (p. xi):

To be forthright, here’s what you are in for if you continue reading this book: a history of man made UFO’s, a hollow earth, parallel dimensions, time travel, cloning, Nazis and the New Age movement, secret societies and a global conspiracy that includes all of the above.

Indeed, all of this, and more, from his unique perspective; this book is like traipsing through the “fringes” of crypto-history and crypto-science.

I noted with interest that he peppered statements about “Scientists Priests,” a term employed to refer not to real scientists in general but of those who prefer to defend their worldviews (philosophies, preferred theories, etc.) regardless of evidence to the contrary or who, it may be said, preach, as it were, their worldview as if it was scientific fact (see here for a plethora of quotes that I have collected on this issue).
This was of interest due to the fact that speaking as a scientist, the Agnostic evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould noted that the public “regard[s] us as a new priesthood…an arcane and enlightened priesthood of scientists” (Stephen Jay Gould, “In the Mind of the Beholder,” Natural History, 103(2): 14, Feb. 1994, pp. 14-16).

A taste of the wide scope of this book is that Jim Wilhelmsen considers various sides of various issues leaving it somewhat open ended in some cases and demonstrating folly in others. Here is an example (p. 27):

Babel was not about trying to climb up to pull God down from heaven. It was not a space program as Zecharia Sitchin claims. It was about preserving what was remembered of the secrets of heaven, including how to travel it.

The Tower of Babel is as hot a topic today as it ever was especially with the European Union modeling their parliament building in Strasbourg after it and with, as noted above, some seeing it as an ancient version of NASA.

As you will see in this example, Jim brings clarity to the issues covered along with a clever way of elucidating (pp. 46-47):

The other society was based on a Science Fiction Book written in 1871, “The Coming Race” by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton. He was known worldwide for his book, “The last days of Pompeii”. He was a member of the neo-pagan English social order the “Golden Dawn”, a higher ranking Freemason and a Rosicrucian…Occultists never received this book as fiction but rather truth veiled in the guise of fiction. The final result was that the Nazis believed and acted upon these strange ideas as their agenda.
In today’s terms it would be as absurd as the Masons and the official Star Trek fan club merging to form a powerful political organization. The strangest thing is the fact that it actually happened. Their occult inspired beliefs inspired them to quest for these “truths” and apparently they found some.

In a section dealing with America, he quotes the Statue of Liberty’s inscription (p. 112):

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-toss to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Well, I could not help but be reminded of a statement by Jerry Seinfeld:

One thing I love about living in New York is it’s every different type of person piled one on top of the other. I am for open immigration, but that sign we have in the front of the Statue of Liberty, “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.”
Can’t we just say, “Hey, the door’s open. We’ll take whoever you got.” Do we have to specify “The wretched refuse?” Why not just say, “Give us the unhappy, the sad, the slow, the ugly, the people that can’t drive, people that have trouble merging, if they can’t stay in their lane, if they don’t signal, they can’t parallel park, if they’re sneezing, if they’re stuffed up, if they have bad penmanship, if they don’t return calls, if they have dandruff, food between their teeth, if they have bad credit, if they have no credit, missed a spot shaving… In other words, any dysfunctional, defective slob that you can somehow cattle prod onto a wagon, send them over. We want them.”

Another bit of priceless info is his list of “books begin to reveal an overall plan” of the what’cha’ma’call’it; New World Order, the occult, etc. (pp. 147-148):

1. Revelation: the Birth of a New Age by David Spangler – describing the ‘Luciferic initiation’ as a New Age requirement
2. The Open Conspiracy, Blueprints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells – calls for “destructive criticism of personal immortality religions” (Judaism and Christianity)
3. The Critical Path by Buckminster Fuller – plans for undermining monotheistic religions by use of computers.
4. The Armageddon Script by Peter LeMesurier – plans to stage a “second coming of Christ” to satisfy Christian expectations
5. The New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality by Robert Muller – calls for the New Age to begin in 2000.
6a. A couple of ancient texts, The Aquarian Gospel (Gnostic writings) and Urantia (author unknown) the later describes the “star seed” ET incarnate souls on earth ideas
6b Other recent books have been additional How to books for the Plan. The Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap. By Barbara Marx Hubbards
7. Alice Bailey’s many books: Externalization of the Hierarchy, The Rays and the Initiations, Education in the New Age, and The Problems of Humanity

When it comes to aliens in particular, here is how the topic is introduced (pp. 169-170):

Within the UFO community there are three main types of Aliens that have claimed to be encountered throughout the whole world. They are the little Grays, the Hybrid and the Nordic.
There are mentions of other non human variations that are snake like reptilians and others that are insect-like. We will discuss them in brief but our focus will be on the three main types. In these three I hope to reveal a story of who they are and where they come from. We will discover their agenda which explains other mysteries and reveals their true purpose and goals.

To show you how strange and yet real some of this gets, consider the following (pp. 227-228):

At the 1997 MUFON meeting in Grand Rapids, I had a chance to talk with Dr. David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins. These two men are acclaimed to be among the top “experts” on Alien Abductions. I asked them a leading question of just who was being abducted. In a tongue in cheek manner they replied almost in harmony,
“The question is, who isn’t being abducted.” …I then asked if there was any particular group or race that seemed to experience this act more than others.

“Well, members of all the races have been abducted,”

(in an almost embarrassed manner as if not wanting to be misunderstood) they continued to confess that,

“however there is a disproportionate amount of whites that seem to be abducted, and we don’t know why really”.

As odd, unusual, nonsensical (on the surface) and/or unknown as this seems; note the following. When Whitley Strieber, perhaps the most famous “alien” contactee, made his experiences public his wife Ann began collecting thousands of letters that were written to him from people who had similar experiences.
Prof. Jeffrey J. Kripal notes:

…the fascinating demographic fact that Irish surnames appear more often than others among the letter writers.
Mutants and Mystics (University Of Chicago Press, 2011 AD), p. 353 see my review of this book here

Lastly, we should note one misquotation because as the book reads it could lead to confusion. Jim Wilhelmsen quotes Genesis 3:15 as follows (p. 182):

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. [emphasis added]

There is an accidental reversal of roles here as the text should read:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy heel, and thou shalt bruise his head.

In other words; the seed of the serpent would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman but the seed of the woman would bruise the seed of the serpent’s head.

In short, Jim Wilhelmsen’s Beyond Science Fiction! is not only interesting, on various levels, but is also a fun read that will capture and challenge, both, your intellect and imagination.

You can purchase it from Amazon in paperback or kindle or directly from the publisher iUniverse.


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