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Bob Schlenker on Satan’s sodomy with Adam

If there were another legitimate way to interpret the scene in the garden that wasn’t a sex orgy

version, I’d like that very much

—Bob Schlenker

Herein is the continuation of a review of Bob Schlenker’s article Who is Cain’s Father? Part Two and commencement of considering Part Three. You can (eventually) find the whole series in toto here.

Bob Schlenker refers us to the following text:

15) Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16) You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17) So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18) A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20) So then, you will know them by their fruits.

Matthew 7:15-20

He states, “I used to be confused about this passage” and is clearly even more confused now. Of course, since he is building a theory from radically reinterpreting (or rather, misinterpreting) the Bible he sees the word “tree” and thinks Satan, Cain, etc. He states that “This really isn’t about a tree that might have some good fruit and some bad fruit…This is Genesis language…Think – two kinds of fruit bearing trees, good and bad. Think – Garden of Eden. Think – Lord God tree and serpent tree. Think – Adam and Cain as the patriarchal fruit.”
Actually, think – one can determine whether the tree is good or bad based on whether it brings for good or bad fruit. In like manner, false prophets will not produce good fruit as while the come in good form “sheep’s clothing” they are actually, “ravenous wolves.” The lesson is as simple as that: do not merely view the outward sheep-like appearance but discern the sort of fruit being produced.

Next, he references the “mysterious parable from Matthew 13” which I reviewed in detail so will simply direct interested readers to Did Jesus teach the serpent seed of Satan theory in the Parable of the Sower?

While he is clearly erroneous, he is certainly consistent is what comes to mind regarding Bob Schlenker assertion that “If the woman’s eating of the tree resulted in pregnancy, the man’s eating of the tree must be of a like kind.” Thus, he has a section titled, “Sodom – Another Echo of Eden” based on his particular, and peculiar, view that “While engaging with the serpent tree in the Garden, Adam was stimulated to orgasm through anal intercourse…Adam was sodomized in the Garden.”
He states that “The continuity of the ‘sex orgy’ theme exhibited as an echo of Eden in the account of Noah’s day is no less evident in the account of the destruction of Sodom.” But to what Noah’s day sex orgy is he referring? The Genesis 6 affair was condemnable because fallen Angels mated with humans but not even a hint of a sex orgy is mentioned. Rather, verse 2 specifies that “the sons of God saw the daughters of men…and they took them wives of all which they chose” thus, they got married. Verse 5 specifies that “GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Thus, Bob Schlenker is simply reading perverse misinterpretations into it.

He works his way to elucidating the Sodom and Gomorrah and along the way notes, “Nimrod, it is said, began to be a ‘gibborim,’ about which Tom Horn and Steve Quayle have had much to say.” Well, one must be quite discerning of Horn and Quayle as the pepper solid information with pure assertions—generally along the lines of I was told thus and such by an authoritative source that I cannot name and that you could not possible double check so believe me. For an example of Quayle’s endless and baseless assertions see, Zen Garcia and Steve Quayle on elite bloodlines.

Bob Schlenker also notes that spies were sent to “the land after the exodus from Egypt. They found giants” regarding which you can read Did Caleb and the spies see Nephilim giants in the land?

He asserts that “The Sodomites were not Adamic, even though they had the Patriarch Noah in common with Lot.” Hereinafter, he launches into a sci-fi tale stinging together that “Nimrod ‘began to be’ a gibborim” which he takes to mean that he became a giant (which the Bible does not state) and claims that “a corrupting transformation of the DNA occurred. The Sodomites were GM, genetically modified.”

Apparently, or so his story goes, “The fruit of the bad tree was truly purged from the face of the ground at the flood of Noah’s day” yet, “The Sodomites were as tares, sown by the enemy among the wheat.” Do you see how one false theory creates another or rather, is augmented? Misunderstanding the Matthew 13 parable leads him to read wheat and tares back into Genesis chaps 18-19.
So, apparently, God destroyed the Nephilim genetics (which Bob Schlenker takes to be Satanic genetics via Cain) by the flood but oops, since the Sodomites were GM then that “bad fruit came when Sodom burned.” Tying together anything and everything, as he does, he also claims that “When Goliath was slain, that branch was cut off with its fruit, yet, the cursed ground continues to bring forth cursed fruit of the bad tree.”

Now, circling back to Bob Schlenker’s fantasies about sodomy between Satan and Adam, he tells us that “The men of Sodom wanted to treat these angelic visitors like the serpent had treated Adam.”

He then references Lot and his daughters who got him drunk and fornicated with him in order to as he explains it “‘preserve our family through our father.’ For the firstborn to reason that, ‘there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of the earth,’ she had to have known that the genetic credential was crucial because there must certainly have been men around who could sire children.”
He seems to be missing the point of the text which is that they lived in Sodom near which was Gomorrah and yet, those cities were destroyed and while Lot intended on living in a small city called Zoar, it turns out that “Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar.” Thus, again, no great mystery, no need to invent tall tales but just a guy and his two daughters living in the middle of nowhere with no one else around.


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