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Atheist says reading the Bible, “It’s great if your a fan of fiction”

The Atheist, a certain Cliff Gearhart, stated that in answer to the Quora site question  Is the Bible full of serious or minor contradictions?

He noted

The bible is loaded with contradictions, both minor and major.

Read the book. It’s great if your a fan of fiction.

Or simply google the question.

I, Ken Ammi, replied

You’re getting ahead of yourself, or so it seems, since it seems that you’re hidden assumption is that there’s something wrong with (supposed) contradictions but you didn’t say what or why, on your worldview so that would be step number one.

Cliff Gearhart

There are contradictions in the bible.

That’s my answer to the question.

Whether there is “something wrong “ with contradictions has nothing to do with me answer or the question.

Poor, poor Christian victim.

Ken Ammi

You’re getting ahead of yourself, or so it seems, since it seems that you’re hidden assumption is that there’s something wrong with (supposed) contradictions but you didn’t say what or why, on your worldview so that would be step number one.

Cliff Gearhart

Repeat yourself as many times as you need. Your statement still makes no sense.

Ken Ammi

That which subjectively makes sense to you or not isn’t a standard.

One reason we humans apply laws of logic, systematic critical thinking, etc., is so that you don’t come along, just make up stuff, and demand that we must adhere to you.

You appear to think that it is a universal imperative to begin with a conclusion and jump through your emotively subjective arbitrary hoops because thus saith Cliff.

Yet, your every reply merely piles more proof that your worldview is a collapsed failure since you can’t even take the very, very first logical step.

Cliff Gearhart

It took you this long to come up with this bull[****]?

Contradictions abound in your book of fables. Do you assume that you are the only one who’s read it?

Show me the evidence. Show me how your Bible has no contradictions. They’re everywhere within it.

Have you read it?

Ken Ammi

I understand why you utterly refuse to engage in systematic critical thinking: you can’t.

And you can’t because, again, “your worldview is a collapsed failure since you can’t even take the very, very first logical step.”

Don’t you think that’s odd: I thought that as an Atheist you were supposed to be more evolved than us mere hoi polloi and enlightened to the one real truth about reality and yet, why is it literally impossible for you to just take one single step in the direction of systematic critical thinking.

So now we are at the stage of that since you can’t justify condemning (supposed) contradictions then you can’t complain about them and can’t reject them Bible due to (allegedly) containing them.

But, of course, that’s only if you’re consistent but since there’s no universal imperatives on your worldview then you don’t have to be consistent—which is why Atheists are only ever consistently inconsistent.

Cliff Gearhart

“thought that as an Atheist you were supposed to be more evolved than us mere hoi polloi and enlightened to the one real truth”

I never stated this.

“justify condemning (supposed) contradictions”

The OP asked if the were contradictions. There are. Are you really this thick?

I’m sorry about your indoctrination and/or mental illness.

I really am.

Profile photo for Cliff Gearhart

More word salad.

Try again.

Ken Ammi

“word salad”: Atheist-speak for, “I’m literally incapable of dealing with the issue that I, myself, brought up but I feel an emotion and must lash out in anger at anyone who dares to disagree with me since I’m an Atheist missionary after all.”

Since this time, you merely asserted, “There are” I didn’t realize that you mean, “There are and It’s 100% perfectly acceptable” since I, mistakenly, thought that your hidden assumption was that there was something wrong with contradictions.

Well, at least you’re consistent since on your worldview, there’s literally nothing wrong with contradictions nor any fallacy at all.

Cliff Gearhart

Embracing hypocrisy…

What a typically christian value..

Ken Ammi

Wait so now you want to move the goalpost to you beginning with a merely asserted positive affirmation that I’m hypocritical? Well, is your hidden assumption an implication that there would be something wrong with that? If so then condemning hypocrisy only comes after you elucidate how and why it’s wrong, on your worldview, please.

Cliff Gearhart

Ken, I do (finally) get your concept regarding the acceptance of biblical inconsistencies.

Written by man, though begotten from god. Man is fallible, hence inconsistencies are excusable.

Am i correct? Its a valid and acceptable argument.

I appreciate the goal post reference, btw. Especially today. 😉

Ken Ammi

Moving the goalpost will not help you—even though there’s nothing wrong with logical fallacies such as moving the goalpost, on your world view.

The issues are:

“So now we are at the stage of that since you can’t justify condemning (supposed) contradictions then you can’t complain about them and can’t reject them Bible due to (allegedly) containing them.”


“your hidden assumption an implication that there would be something wrong with that? If so then condemning hypocrisy only comes after you elucidate how and why it’s wrong, on your worldview, please.”

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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