One of my Facebook Atheist trolls, Charlie Reid, commented thusly on my post here:
got that evidence leprechauns don’t exist or are you going to continue to be dishonest by asking me for evidence your fairy tale doesn’t exist?
I, True Freethinker, replied:
I will leave you to deal with your Lucky Charms. You claim that I am “dishonest” without evidence and after having stated “I do not condemn lying” so you have discredited yourself again.
I am not aware that I have ever asked you for evidence that my supposed “fairy tale doesn’t exist.” Rather, you have repeatedly positively affirmed, merely asserted, that God is imaginary, etc. so I have asked for proof and you have failed every single time so you have discredited yourself again.
Now, as to this issue of alleged contradictions in the Bible: you are yet again beginning with a conclusion. Your position is known as “emotivism” which means that all you are doing is expressing that you do not like something but you have no premise upon which to claim that, that something is actually wrong, bad, or whatever you may term it. Thus, your condemnation of contradictions is tantamount to you condemning chocolate ice cream simply because you do not like it (in your case, as per your worldview, it is because predestined random bio-chemical neural reactions resulted in the byproduct of you expressing such an opinion).
Thus, you reject the Bible for supposedly containing contradictions, but you cannot condemn condemnations even if they were there, so your emotivism is invalid and yet, you reject the Bible for supposedly containing contradictions thus, your entire endeavor is invalidly and you discredit yourself again.
This denotes that you literally suffer from cognitive dissonance in that you hold to two mutually exclusive views which are in tension but fail to recognize that they are in tension and/or simply ignore it and in this way you discredit yourself again. You condemn without a premise, so your condemnation is invalid and yet, you rely on your invalid condemnation.
Charlie Reid:
“I am not aware that I have ever asked you for evidence” … “so I have asked for proof” 😂
True Freethinker:
You cannot take me out of context to myself and also with the discussion being available for all to see.
Firstly, you should educate yourself about the difference between evidence and proof.
Secondly, you will note the difference between evidence and proof as follows, quoting from above, “I am not aware that I have ever asked you for evidence that my supposed ‘fairy tale doesn’t exist’” issue one and “Rather” marking a transition to issue two, “you have repeatedly positively affirmed, merely asserted, that God is imaginary, etc. so I have asked for proof and you have failed every single time so you have discredited yourself again” and you just failed again and discredited yourself again, on two levels.
Charlie Reid:
i did condemn lying you semi literate halfwit
True Freethinker:
Superiority complex and schools yard level childish taunting: right on schedule. Again, read the comment about which you are supposed to be replying: indeed you did condemn lying and did so after having stated “I do not condemn lying” so you outed yourself as also being a contradictory hypocrite and so have discredited yourself again.
Charlie Reid:
the rest of that is just gibberish, you really need to see a quack mate, your indoctrination has overpowered any iota of rational thought. You either haven’t read anything i write or you’re cognitive dissonance blocks everything but what your indoctrination allows to filter through. Get help.
True Freethinker:
Here we go again: you get again merely assert that I am indoctrinated, I have asked you for evidence of that many, many, many times and you have failed just as many times so every time you repeat it you only prove that you sincerely believe in thing without the least bit of evidence—or proof—which is not surprising.
I also love the way you run away from inconvenient issues by merely labeling them “gibberish” (gibberish, to which you cannot reply).
But then what is it is true that my alleged indoctrination has supposedly overpowered any iota of rational thought, suffer from cognitive dissonance, etc.?
On your worldview: that would not matter and you have no premise upon which to condemn that so, of course, you have discredited yourself yet again.
As is typical of him, he scurries off when incapable of actually dealing with issues, only to return again to do it all again.
Thus, he commented thusly on this post:
sorry for asking for evidence for your fairy tale mate perhaps you can explain why you don’t believe in other sky daddies?
True Freethinker:
Indeed, you are right to begin with an apology since you already know that since your worldview provides you no premise upon which to demand evidence: you fail and discredit yourself instantly. Moreover, you just positively affirmed that God is a “fairy tale” so you must now prove it.
Lastly, you actually claim to believe that humans are apes and you expect to be taken seriously, to demand, to condemn, etc. that is 100% inconsistent.
Charlie Reid:
so you cant, only repeat your nonsensical rhetoric. Explain how your book gives you a premise for anything.
are there any other scientific theories you dispute besides evolution?
True Freethinker:
At least you admit that you are utterly incapable of taking step number one and you are unable to because you are incapacitated by a worldview that fails before it even begins. And that is how I can just stand by and merely observe you discrediting yourself just by ensuring you have your say.
Charlie Reid:
where and what did i admit to. Presumably my worldview, that you still don’t understand, fails because you have a contradictory book of fairy tales?
True Freethinker:
Well, you began with “sorry for asking for evidence” about which I noted “you are right to begin with an apology since you already know that since your worldview provides you no premise upon which to demand evidence” and you proved that you, yet again, “fail and discredit yourself instantly” because you merely sidestepped that utterly fundamental issue, yet again.
I also, yet again, noted that you, yet again, positively affirmed that God is a “fairy tale” so you must now prove it and you sidestepped that, yet again.
I noted that you “you actually claim to believe that humans are apes and you expect to be taken seriously, to demand, to condemn, etc. that is 100% inconsistent” and you sidestepped that as well, yet again.
And that your “worldview…fails because” I supposedly “have a contradictory book of fairy tales” is not only incoherent, it is a non sequitur, yet again. Since you have no premise for logic you cannot claim contradiction, since you have no premise for ethics you cannot condemns logical contradiction and you have no premise for truth then you discredited your demands for logic and condemnations.
That brought the discussion to and end as, again, no more replies were forthcoming.
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