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Argument for God's Existence from Jewish Folklore

The Jewish Encyclopedia retells a bit of Jewish folklore about “Abraham’s life in his Chaldean home as told by the Palestinian rabbis of the second century, and afterward further developed under the influence of Babylonian folk-lore.”

Basically, after Abraham is born the “councilors and soothsayers of Nimrod” want to kill him.


“Terah then went home and hid his son in a cave for three years.

When, on coming out of the cave, Abraham saw the sun rising in all his glory in the east, he said to himself: ‘Surely this is the Lord of the universe, and Him I will worship.’ But the evening came, and lo! the sun set and night befell him, and seeing the moon with her silver radiance, he said, ‘This, then, is the Lord of the world, and all the stars are His servants; to Him I will kneel.’

The following morning, when moon and stars had disappeared and the sun had risen anew, Abraham said: ‘Now I know that neither the one nor the other is the Lord of the world, but He who controls both as His servants is the Creator and Ruler of the whole world.’”

000_1070-3465686The story goes on to state,

“Forthwith Abraham asked his father: ‘Who created heaven and earth?’ Terah, pointing to one of his idols, replied: ‘This great image is our god.’ ‘Then let me bring a sacrifice to him!’ said Abraham, and he ordered a cake of fine flour to be baked, and offered it to the idol, and when the idol did not eat it, he ordered a still finer meal-offering to be prepared, and offered it to the idol. But the idol did neither eat nor answer when addressed by him, and so Abraham grew angry and, kindling a fire, burned them all.

When Terah, on coming home, found his idols burnt, he went to Abraham and said: ‘Who has burned my gods?’

Abraham replied: ‘The large one quarreled with the little ones and burned them in his anger.’

‘Fool that thou art, how canst thou say that he who can not see nor hear nor walk should have done this?’

Then Abraham said: ‘How then canst thou forsake the living God and serve gods that neither see nor hear?’”



