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Answering Atheism – video, part 1 of 3

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Atheism and Christianity
Dinesh D′Souza,

Segment from debate with Michael Shermer on atheist and theist atrocities

Vs. Daniel Dennett

Vs. Christopher Hitchens

Vs. Michael Shermer, part 1, part 2

Vs. Dan Barker

Vs. Peter Singer

Atheism and death

Love Changes Life

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest: What Truly Bright Mind Could Believe God Exists?

Conversing With Critics: How Do Jesus People Respond To The New Atheism?

A Cure For The Disease: Is Faith The Enemy Of Reason?

Bury The Bible: Is The Good Book Bad?

The Arrogance Of Faith: How Can Christianity Say It Is The One True Way?

You’re Fired: How Can A Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?

The Great End Of The Church: Can Christianity Finally Compete With Atheism?

Is atheism true

William Lane Craig,

On Scientific Naturalism

Can We Be Good Without God?

Is God Necessary for Morality?, part 1, part 2

The Absurdity of Life Without God

Is One True Religion Possible

Contemporary Scholarship and the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus

Resurrection (Interview)

The Possibility of Resurrection

God and Time

Why Does Anything at All Exist?

w/ Alvin Plantinga, Science and Religion in the 21st Century

w/ Alvin Plantinga, Richard Gale and Quentin Smith, Science and Religion

Vs. Peter Atkins, What is the Evidence For/Against the Existence of God?

Vs. Bill Cooke, Is God a Delusion?

Vs. Garrett Hardin, Christian vs Scientific Naturalism

Vs. Eddie Tabash

Vs. Frank Zindler

Vs. Paul Kurtz, Is Goodness without God Good Enough?

Vs. Louise Antony, Is God Necessary for Morality?, part 1, part 2

Vs. Gerd Ludemann, The Possibility of Resurrection

Vs. Frank Zindler, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15

Is atheism wrong

Ravi Zacharias,

The Existence of God, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6

On Atheistic Evolution

Is atheism on the rise

Paul Vitz, Psychology of Atheism, Part 1, Part 2
Is atheism a faith

Walter Martin,

The Truth About Atheists & Skeptics

Evil and Human Suffering

Are atheists bad

C.S. Lewis, From Atheism to Theism
Are atheists moral

Unlocking The Mystery Of Life
Are atheists happy

Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution
Against atheism

Interview with David Berlinski, The Incorrigible Dr. Berlinski
Against atheist

Voyage Inside The Cell
Answering atheism

Craig Johnson, Bethel Christian Fellowship—two interviews with JP Holding of Tektonics: “Shattering the Christ Myth” and “Comments on Religulous”
Answering atheism


Search results for “atheism”

Search results for “atheist”

Refuting atheism

Roger Oakland, A Question of Origins
Debunking atheism

Philip Johnson,

The Blind Watchmaker

On Darwinism, part 1, part 2

Darwinism on Trial

The Right Questions

How Darwinists Think

Can Science Know the Mind of God? The Case Against Naturalism

w/ William Provine, Darwinism: Science or Philosophy

Answering atheists

Dean Kenyon, On The Origin Of Life, part 1, part 2
Refuting atheists
Michael Behe,

Irreducible Complexity: The Biochemical Challenge to Darwinism

From The Big Bang to Irreducible Complexity

w/ Fritz Schaefer, Evolution and Intelligent Design

Debunking atheists

Panel Discussion, On The Theory of Evolution
Atheism and science

James Valentine, On The Origin of Phyla
Atheism and morality

Robert Newman, From The Big Bang to Biology
Atheism and religion

Michael Strauss, On the Origin and Design of the Universe
Atheism and belief

Scott Minnich, Paradigm of Design: The Bacterial Flagellum
Atheism and Christianity

John Angus, The Rhetoric of Charles Darwin
Atheism and death

Robert Koons, Science and Belief in God: Concord not Conflict
Is atheism true

Os Guinness, Time For Truth
Is atheism wrong

Peter Kreeft, What Christians Believe
Is atheism on the rise

Gregory Boyd & Robert Price, Jesus: Legend, Teacher, Critic, or Son of God
Is atheism a faith

Greg Koukl,

Greatest murders?

Why Atheistic Fundamentalism?

Are atheists bad

Gate Breakers Ministry, Answering Atheism
Are atheists moral

Atheism: Rational and Objective?
Are atheists happy

Debunking Atheism – Ep. 1; Afterlives
Are atheists evil

Answering Atheism: Author Interview Part 1
Against atheism

Is There a God?
Against atheist

All About Philosophy Atheism
Answering atheism

Gary Habermas,

The Resurrection Argument that Changed a Generation of Scholars

Near Death Experiences as an Argument Against Naturalism, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII

Vs. Antony Flew On the Resurrection of Jesus, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5

Vs. Tim Callahan Comparing the Resurrection to Ancient MythologyPart 1, Part 2

Vs. Kenneth Humphreys

Answering atheism

Michael Licona,

vs. Bart Ehrman

vs. Richard Carrier, part 1, part 2

Refuting atheism

Greg L. Bahnsen,

Vs. Gordon Stein, The Laws of Logic: Atheism vs. Christianity

Vs. George H. Smith, The Case For/Against God

Debunking atheism

Alister McGrath,

A Scientific Theology? Parallels and Convergences in Science and Religion, Stream or Download

Vs. David Helfand, The God Delusion? Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and the Meaning of Life

Vs. David Helfand

Vs. Peter Atkins

Vs. Christopher Hitchens, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

Answering atheists

Hassanain Rajabali & Michael Corey vs. Dan Barker & Richard Carrier, part 1, part 2
Refuting atheists

Cliffe Knechtle vs. Michael Newdow, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Debunking atheists

Kirk Durston vs. Jeffrey Shallit
Atheism and science

David Wolpe vs. Sam Harris
Atheism and morality

Marvin Olasky vs. Christopher Hitchens, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Atheism and religion

Vinoth Ramachandra and Philip Kitcher, People Suffer – Who Cares? A Secular Humanist and Christian Dialogue
Atheism and Christianity

Francis Collins,

The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian Geneticist

The Language of God: A Believer Looks at the Human Genome

Faith and the Human Genome

Atheism and death

Alvin Plantinga,

Science and Religion: Why Does the Debate Continue?

Against Materialism (for immaterialism)

Evolution vs. Atheism

w/ Richard Gale, The Existence of Evil and the Problem of God

w/ William Lane Craig, Richard Gale and Quentin Smith, Science and Religion

w/ William Lane Craig, Science and Religion in the 21st Century

Is atheism true

JP Moreland,

Faith and Reason


Vs. Clancy Martin

Is atheism wrong

Gary Habermas and Antony Flew, Jesus’ Resurrection: Atheist and Theist Dialogue
Is atheism on the rise

Thomas Warren vs. Anthony Flew, The existence of God
Is atheism a faith

Dallas Willard, Why Science and Religion Must Conflict, part 1, part 2
Are atheists bad

Owen Gingerich, Is It God’s Universe?
Are atheists moral

David Hill, Science: The Orthodox Religion of the New Millennium
Are atheists happy

Science and Faith: Belligerent or Brothers?
Are atheists evil

Erwin McManus, The Fingerprint of God
Against atheism

H. Fritz Schaefer III,

The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God

w/ Walter Bradley, Michael Behe, Dean H. Kenyon, Robert C. Newman and Charles Thaxton, Origins and Design

Against atheist

William Dembski and Robert Shapiro, Does Science Point to Intelligent Design?
Answering atheism

Huge Ross, George Murphy, Marc Pinsonneault, Dana Wrensch, Fazale Rana, The Question of God: ‘Evolution and the Origin of life: Chance or Design?’ A scientific model for testing Intelligent Design, part 1, part 2, part 3
Answering atheism

Ian Hutchinson and Ned Hall, Belligerents or Brothers? Are Science and Christian Faith at Odds?, part 1, part 2
Refuting atheism

William Provine, What Darwinian Evolution tells us about life, ethics, the supernatural, etc.
Debunking atheism

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Answering atheists

Timothy Keller,

Answers Hard-Hitting Questions

The Reason for God, part 1, part 2

How Could a Good God Allow Suffering?

The Leap of Doubt

The Leap of Doubt: Q&A



