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Angels and Demons in Alexander of Lycopolis’ of the Manicheans

Herein we provide info on Angels and Demons in Alexander of Lycopolis. The fuller complete result consists of quotations of those sections within the text that refer to Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Devil, Satan, demons, serpent and dragon. The point is not to elucidate these references but to provide relevant partial quotations and citations. See my section on Angels here, Cherubim and Seraphim here, Satan here and Demons here.

The text dates to the early 4th century AD.

Chapter 25 For those who lay it down about these, bring forward such matters in allegories, by a species of fable hiding the majesty of their discourse; as, for instance, when the Jewish history relates that Angels came down to hold intercourse with the daughters of men; for this saying signifies that the nutritive powers of the soul descended from heaven to Earth.

Chapter 15 And the demons, if indeed they are living beings endowed with sense, for this reason, perhaps, are delighted with what has been instituted in; regard to sacrifices, and take it ill when these are wanting to them; but nothing of this sort can be imagined with respect to God.

Chapter 22 For there is the soul of the world itself, and of the animals, of plants, of nymphs, and demons, and among these are distinguished by appearance those of fowls, of land animals, and animals amphibious; but in the moon one like body is always seen by us.

In the next segment, we will consider Angels in Aurelius Ambrosius aka St. Ambrose bishop of Milan.


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