“Writer & Author” Amanda Allen replied to such questions in her article by that title Giants, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and the End Times? Are We Living in the Days of Noah? She also describes herself as, “a Christian woman deeply in love with God’s Word.”
She noted, “Jesus made a very strange prediction. Matthew 24:37 (CSB) reads: ‘As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.’ So what was going on in the days of Noah that we should be looking for before Jesus returns?” Well, fortunately Jesus told us exactly to what He was referring to let’s see if Allen matches those specifications.
She begins her reply thusly, “This prediction points us to Genesis 6” which is fair enough but seems too vague since Gen 6 begins at the timeline, “When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them” and on to the flood so, that could span some millennia and a half on a young Earth view and even longer on an old Earth view.
Amanda Allen continued, “we read about the ‘sons of God’ who took the daughters of men as wives, and their offspring became the Nephilim, described as giants, mighty men of renown.” One issue is that the only description in that text is roughly when they lived, who their parents were, and that they were mighty and renown. As for, “described as giants” the key questions are: what’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles? What’s Allens’ usage? Do those two usages agree?
She rightly notes, “‘sons of God’…often referring to divine or angelic beings” such as that in Job 38:7, as one example, shows us that “sons of God” can refer to non-human beings (which the LXX has as Angeloi: plural of Angelos) since they, at the very least, witnessed the creation of the Earth.
It’s noted, “This interpretation aligns with ancient Jewish traditions, including the Book of Enoch” which is quite so (even though 1 Enoch is Bible contradicting folklore from centuries, if not millennia, after the Torah, see my book, In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch) since the original, traditional, and majority view among the earliest Jewish and Christians commentators, starting in BC days, was the Angel view as I proved in my book, On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not?: A Survey of Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries Including Notes on Giants and the Nephilim.
She also points out something I often do as well—but which many Angel view deniers miss—which is that, “Luke 20:36 reveals that resurrected believers will be like angels, ‘children or sons of God’” so being sons of God is being like Angels.
We then get a reply to the second key question as she elucidates, “The Nephilim were giants, renowned for their immense size and strength.” The dirty little secret is that since we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim then their height is a non-issue and that alone debunks 99% of un-biblical Nephilology—the modern branch of which is just un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales.
Let’s review:
What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?
It merely renders (doesn’t even translate) “Nephilim” in 2 verses or “Repha/im” in 98% of all others and so never even hints at anything to do with any sort of height whatsoever.
What’s her usage?
Something about subjectively unusual height.
Do those two usages agree?
So, it’s not the case that in Gen 6 Nephilim are, “described as giants” since therein, they’re not described physically at all: she’s reading a version that merely renders, Nephilim as giants, then went about imagining, “immense size” and then applying that imagination but such is linguistically erroneous, it’s a word-concept fallacy.
Allen has a section titled, “Giants walking in the earth” which includes Nephilim and reiterates Gen 6:4 which has nothing to do with her misconception of to what giants refers. She also includes Num 13:33 which is very odd since she wrote of the Nephilim’s, “presence…prompting God to judge the earth with the flood. The flood, as a divine act of judgment, was not only a response to human sin but also a means to cleanse the earth of this hybrid corruption.”
Yet, Num 13:33 is about post-flood Nephilim but how can that be unless the, “divine act of judgment” which, “was not only a response to human sin but also a means to cleanse the earth of this hybrid corruption” failed, God missed a loophole, that the flood was much of a waste, etc., etc., etc.?
Yet, that verse does read, “We even saw the Nephilim there—the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves, we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.” Yet, what we readers were not told by Allen is that she’s quoting on single sentence from an, “evil report” by 10 unreliable guys whom God rebuked so it’s just a tall-tale. Such is why I noted, “The dirty little secret is that since we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim…”
Thus, we can’t count them amongst those of, “immense size”—even though immense is just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as giants.
She then lists Anakim due to that Deut 2 notes, “The Emim, a great and numerous people as tall as the Anakim, had previously lived there. They were also regarded as Rephaim, like the Anakim, though the Moabites called them Emim” to which she oddly adds Joshua 11:21-22 which doesn’t say anything about them physically.
She then lists Rephaim and notes that Deut 3 refers to King Og but that text doesn’t describe him physically: no texts do—and for those whom merely imagine that something about a bed has something to do with his height, that’s based on various mere assumptions (see my book The King, Og of Bashan, is Dead: The Man, the Myth, the Legend—of a Nephilim Giant?).
Then there’s Goliath for whom she quotes 1 Samuel 17:4, “nine feet, nine inches tall” and 2 Sam, “A huge man was there with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot—twenty-four in all. He, too, was descended from the giant.” It’s odd that she quotes a good version that specifies that Goliath was a Repha but then renders Repha as giant which makes thing messy for the undiscerning.
For some reason, she didn’t note that the Masoretic text has Goliath at just shy of 10 ft. Yet, the earlier LXX and the earlier Dead Sea Scrolls and the earlier Flavius Josephus all have him at just shy of 7 ft. (compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days) so that’s the preponderance of the earliest data. She also didn’t note that the second text isn’t about Goliath: therein Goliath is the giant mentioned since the, “huge man” was his son—even though huge is just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as immense and giants. That text is saying, “He, too, was descended from the Repha” Goliath.
Thus, we were told of Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim, Og and Goliath but we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim, Anakim were like a clan of the Rephaim tribe, as were Emim, and they were all just subjectively, “tall” (which is just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as huge, immense and giants) on average, we’ve no physical description of Og, and there’s the issue of Goliath’s height range.
So, where are all of the giants?
Then there’s the issue of, “Mythology and the Nephilim: Echoes of Truth?” pertaining to, “striking parallels” but I’m unsure how there could parallels to a non-issue. She notes, “Hercules, a hero of immense strength” but says nothing about height, “Sumerian myths recount stories of deities mingling with humans, creating beings of great renown” but nothing about height, “Hindu epics describe beings like the Asuras and Devas, some of whom interacted with humanity in ways that altered the natural order” but nothing about height, “Egyptian walls depcting art of all sorts of large entitites with elongated heads and even animal/ human hybrids” without indication as to why we should take art literally. Yet, I get her point and would agree that such seem to be cultural memories of the real events noted in Gen 6 which after humanity’s dispersal, eventually came to be called myth and legend which is the point she rightly goes on to make.
She then references, “fallen angels—those who rebelled with Lucifer” but the fall of that Cherub was at the Gen 3 timeline but the fall of Angels was at the commencement of the Gen 6 timeline thus, not, “with” but subsequent to.
She reiterates, “Nephilim, hybrid beings who were giants, both in stature and in reputation” (emphasis added for emphasis). And reiterates, “Their presence…provoked God’s judgment through the flood” which causes the post-flood Nephilim problem.
Re-reiterating, “Nephilim’s…immense physical size” which with merely imagined, “immense…strength” had something to do with, “the construction of monumental structures like the pyramids” which ones?, “and other ancient marvels” which by definition, would have to date to pre-flood days.
An interesting issue is that surely, as Amanda Allen puts it, “The Nephilim, being the offspring of fallen angels, may have inherited forbidden knowledge that their angelic parents brought from Heaven.” This leads to that folklore from centuries, if not millennia, after the Torah, 1 Enoch most pointedly, seeks to actually identify which fallen Angel taught what aspect of that knowledge. They taught, “Metalworking and Weaponry…Cosmetics and Beautification…Astrology and Divination…Enchantments and Sorcery…Botany and Medicine.”
Incidentally, we’re told, “The Book of Enoch” there’s actually three (and one asserts he wrote over 300) is, “not included in the canonical Bible but referenced in Jude 1:14-15,” and Paul quoted Greek poets, “The Ethiopian Orthodox Church, however, continues to include the Book of Enoch as part of its biblical canon to this day” which doesn’t make that one canon uniquely correct but rather, uniquely incorrect. In fact, that cannon also contains a text titled, The Life of Adam and Eve which claims that when God created Adam, God commanded the Angels to worship Adam. It also contains 2 Enoch which claims that the reason God created was because God was alone and didn’t find peace within Himself.
One of the funniest statements in all pseudepigraph is when 1 Enoch has it that God told the fallen Angels/Watchers, “You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones.”
Recalling that part of the focus was, “Are We Living in the Days of Noah?,” she then gets into, “Jesus returning to Earth” due to that He made, “a profound statement in Matthew 24:37 (CSB): ‘As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.’” The conclusion is that, “This declaration invites us to examine the conditions of Noah’s time. We already know that giant hybrids—the Nephilim—were alive and active during those days, as recorded in Genesis 6:4.”
This takes us into, “Nephilim…sons of God came to the daughters of mankind, who bore children…giants…” so for Allen, the question becomes, “Will the Giants Return?” At this key point, she actually asks, and answers, “If Jesus compares the days of His return to the days of Noah, does that imply the return of hybrids or Nephilim-like beings? While scripture does not explicitly state that the Nephilim will return, it definately alludes to it and it does speak of an increase in supernatural and demonic activity in the last days.”
Well, a return of Nephilim is just an un-biblical tall-tale invented by pop-Nephilologist who must always take their wild neo-theo sci-fi up a notch to get and maintain an audience. Thus, we will see that any attempts to buttress that fail for more than one reason. For example, “Daniel 2:43 speaks cryptically of mingling ‘the seed of men’ in the context of future kingdoms, which some interpret as a possible reference to hybrid beings.” Yet, there’s no context is that verse, not chapter, nor the entire book for any such concept and it’s actually merely telling of two people groups who would engage in commerce but not intermarry (I wrote an entire chapter on this in my book What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim? A Styled Giantology and Nephilology).
She also noted, “Revelation 9:1-11 describes demonic entities being released from the abyss during the end times, suggesting an increase in interaction between the natural and supernatural realms.” At the point of the release, they’re the fallen Angel who, as per Jude and 2 Peter 2, were incarcerated. Yet, there’s zero indication they would mate with women. Rather, they wreak havoc on Earth, fight and lose a war in heaven (Rev 12) and are judged.
We also know the question, “If Jesus compares…does that imply…” deserves a reply of, “No” since, again, Jesus told us exactly to what He was referring—and not in merely one verse as was cited and quoted. Yes, quoting and citing only one verse eases speculation but we must look at what He actually said, the complete thought(s):
Gleaning from Matthew 24:
…when you see the abomination of desolation…let those who are in Judea flee…Let the one who is on the housetop not go down…let the one who is in the field not turn back…alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation…false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders…as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man…the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man…he will send out his angels…they will gather his elect…
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man…two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left. Therefore, stay awake…be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect…
Moreover, in Luke 17, Jesus is recorded has having said, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
But He kept speaking directly with:
“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17).
Thus, this was about examples of being unaware/unconcerned about coming judgment.
Amanda Allen then asks, “What’s Really Behind UFOs?…could they be linked to something more sinister—like fallen angels, Nephilim, or hybrids?” and notes, “2 Corinthians 11:14-15 reminds us that ‘Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,’ suggesting that supernatural deception is a hallmark of his activity.” Fair enough, even thought that text is about that he pretends to be a messenger/Angel of light/God. Yet, he is, “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2).
Well, I’ve written various UFO and alien (a-lie-n) related books such as Fifty Shades of Gray Aliens and those are very detailed and complex topics but it is the case that were UFOs and aliens are around, the occult is never far away—when it’s not black budget high tech, misinterpreted whether phenomena, etc., etc., etc.
Allen notes, “The phenomenon of UFOs and alien encounters often includes elements of fear, deception, and spiritual manipulation, which align more closely with demonic activity than extraterrestrial life.” She asks, “Could these be manifestations of fallen angels or their hybrid offspring attempting to deceive humanity?” the technical answers to which are, “No” and, “No” since fallen Angels are incarcerated so it’d be demons (see my article, Demons Ex Machina: What are Demons?) and Nephilim have been dead and gone since the flood.
She also thinks that, “Nephilim were hybrids” so there are, “parallels between modern advancements and the conditions of Noah’s time…The sins of that era—hybrids, spiritual corruption, and demonic deception—seem to echo in today’s world” such as, “Genetic Manipulation…genetic engineering” and while, “The Bible warns against such corruption of God’s created order” those practices may be wrong in their own right (or, wrong) but wouldn’t result in Nephilim since the recipe for hot, out of the oven fresh Nephilim is sons of God physically mating with daughters of men.
Thus, issues such as, “The Rise of Human-Machine Hybrids…transhumanism” are very serious but not Nephilim related: her point is that issues such as hybrids, purely organic of not, are similes of days of Noah corruption (see my books The Golden Golem Goal: From Organism to Transhumanism and Transhuman Hollywood: From Normative Fiction to Predictive Programming).
Speaking of From Normative Fiction to Predictive Programming, she has a subsection titled, “Predictive Programming: Preparing the World for What’s to Come?” which focuses on issues such as, “Hybrids in Pop Culture” such as, “X-Men Franchise…Marvel and DC Superheroes…The Terminator Series…Avatar…Jurassic Park/World” as well as, “Aliens and UFOs in Media” such as, “Independence Day…Close Encounters of the Third Kind…The X-Files…Men in Black…District 9” and, “Transhumanism in Media” such as, “The Matrix…Ghost in the Shell…Ex Machina…Black Mirror…”
I’m LOVING this since it’s right down my alley with my book about Transhumanism in Hollywood including my Hollywood Aliens and UFOs including A Worldview Review of the Alien and Predator Mythos Franchises.
Amanda Allen leaves us with key encouraging issues such as, “Jesus: The Teacher of Truth and Critical Thinking” to assist in preparing us for whatever may come.
My main issues are that she seems to be relying on pop-Nephilology which is somewhat understandable since a typical moderner will research by going on their interwebs computer machine, type in something about Nephilim and likely giants and inevitably encounter THOUSANDS of results from pop-Nephilologists who make a living by selling un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales to Christians.
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