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Adherent of Atheism claims “we don’t need an ‘ism’ to live our lives”

The following discussion took place due to my video Q&A session including Ken “TrueFreeThinker” Ammi: high tech, transhumanism, evolution, etc.

Jerome Reiter commented

Ken, you are NOT a free thinker because your mind is trapped inside an invisible box that began with an unseen assumption.

From then on, you have twisted every bit of evidence that contradicts your assumptions into a tool for you to keep yourself locked up.

My reply—Ken Ammi

Friend, here comes the fundamental issue again: you imply that I am wrong or deceptive in calling myself a “True Free Thinker” but upon what premise does your worldview allow you to demand adherence to truth, ethics and logic?

Also, you are very clearly unfamiliar with epistemology which is premised upon the fact that at the core of everyone’s worldview there is an “unseen assumption” that is basic 101 level epistemology, logic, philosophy, etc.

Jerome Reiter

You are wrong in your assumption I am “clearly unfamiliar with epistemology” as I went to Christian college and seminary, taught classes in epistemology and preached the bible until I realized it was all just mythology.

Please tell me about your education since you like to look down on the rest of us for lacking the education you pretend to have.

For those of us in the real world, we don’t need an “ism” to live our lives. I am happy to be a just human.

Ken, you think you are free because you are under the delusion a book of mythology can give you morality and you assume people who don’t believe the fairy tales in your book have no basis for morality.
The bible claims everything was paradise until it was ruined by a magical talking snake and a fictional first human pair (with special blame for the woman, of course, since this is a man-made creation myth).
The bible claims the solution to all of humanity’s problems was a godman who came to die and rise, as godmen often do. He was last seen flying off a mountain and we were left with a promise he would return on a flying horse. Pure mythology.

Ken Ammi

Friend, I cannot call you a liar as that would require an ability to read minds. However, I do find it astonishingly difficult to believe that you went to Christian college and seminary, taught classes in epistemology and preached but that is only due to the evidence before my eyes that you seem to be quire unaware of the contents, concepts and contexts of the Bible as well as epistemology.

For example, you claim that for the fall into sin, the Bible places “special blame for the woman, of course, since this is a man-made creation myth” which proves my point: you are unaware that Adam is blamed.

I have no education of which to speak and you are simply mistaken in concluding that I “look down on” people due to lack of education.

So, rather than turning this into a styled ad hominem: you imply that I am wrong or deceptive in calling myself a “True Free Thinker” but upon what premise does your worldview allow you to demand adherence to truth, ethics and logic?

Also, you just claimed that “the bible” is “just mythology” and since this is a positive affirmation to possess knowledge then please prove it.

Then your personal opinion regarding “ism” is just that.

Jerome Reiter

I provided you proof that the bible is mythology already. You need to do your homework.

Also, since you have zero education or expertise, and you speak for no religious body, doesn’t that make you just another internet troll know-it-all?

And I bet you hide your background because your background is just a typical jailhouse conversion. You have that love of big words you don’t even understand.

Ken Ammi

Friend, you are confused: you asserting subjective opinions (base on random bio-chemical neural reactions) is not “proof.”

BTW: since I posted and you commented that makes you troll. Also, I do not hide my background but if it fascinating that you try to imagine what it was.

But you still have not begun with the premise upon which you demand adherence to truth, logic and ethics and without establishing this then every statement you make is meaningless.

Jerome Reiter

You totally hide your background. You refuse to say if that is you in the profile pic. You state you have no education relevant to the points you make.

You admit no church or other body has appointed you or even recognized you.
Why do you speak as if you alone are the voice of truth on earth?
Why not just admit we are all humans and our basis for morality evolves and changes over time?

Ken Ammi

I stated that I have no education of which to speak within the context of your claims to have had academic training. I am self-taught in many areas and so I do have “education” relevant to the points I make.

Why do you speak as if you alone are the voice of truth on earth?

Now, if “morality evolves and changes over time” then you have just disqualified yourself from ever condemning anything: you cannot condemn anything in the past as the “morality” was different then and you cannot even condemn anything in the present since even now that which was “immoral” yesterday could be “moral” today and that which was “moral” yesterday could be “moral” today.

But you still have not begun with the premise upon which you demand adherence to truth, logic and ethics and without establishing this then every statement you make is meaningless.

Jerome Reiter

Al Queda considered themselves “true free thinkers” too, because they also saw themselves as the voice of their god, but this is a dangerous delusion for them and for Ken.

I still suspect Ken got his religion while he was incarcerated. He refuses to deny or confirm that. Very dodgy.

Ken Ammi

Atheist regimes in the 1900s AD considered themselves “true free thinkers” too, because they also saw themselves as the voice of evolution and mass murdered hundreds of millions, but this is a dangerous delusion for them and for Jerome. I still suspect Jerome got his Atheism while he was incarcerated. He refuses to deny or confirm that. Very dodgy.

But you still have not begun with the premise upon which you demand adherence to truth, logic and ethics and without establishing this then every statement you make is meaningless.



And that is as far as we got as he never replied.

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