In the article Book review: “ABOMINATION – Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders” by William Ramsey we noted that the West Memphis Three (WM3) pertained to three brutally murdered eight year olds—Steve Branch, Christopher Byers and James Michael Moore—and three accused, incarcerated and subsequently released teenagers (released after circa two decades)—Damien Wayne Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley, Jr.
Find the previous segment at part 1.
Damien Echols notes that his “definitions for ‘magick’…is knowing that I can effect change through my own will” (Damien Echols, Life After Death, p. 10).
He also wrote, “I want to make the world a more magickal place. To give magick a form that people will appreciate, and that changes their lives.” (Damien Echols, Life After Death, p. 388).
Even whilst besmirching “People in places like West Memphis” whom he writes, “don’t like anything that stands out, including intelligence and beauty” to this list, he adds that “The one thing that is not tolerated is magick” (Damien Echols, Life After Death, p. 208).
Some may think them the same with mere variety in spelling. There are a few ways of looking at this and variation of spelling with same definition is not an accurate view. Some claim that “magic” references the white right hand path and “magick” the black left hand path. Others note that “magic” refers to stage illusionists and “magick” to those involved in the great work of true exercise of will in order to effect change. Some dichotomize the sides as sorcerers (black) and alchemists (white).
Founder of the church of satan, Anton LaVey had some elucidating things to say on this matter:
“LaVey makes no distinction between white and black magic, claiming that white Wiccan witches and ‘new agers’ have been freely calling upon the dark forces and suiting them to their own hypocritical purposes. He stated, ‘All magic is the realm of the Devil, no matter how righteously you dress it up. The claims that ‘black’ magic is only for destruction and ‘white’ for healing is bunk. Satanic magic is used to invoke powers of justice, and can be used to help yourself or one you care about, just as easily as it would be used to curse someone’…LaVey’s long overdue blast at the differences between white and black magic blew the dust off of all of the musty old grimoires and was seen as a breath of fresh air to the occult community as witnessed by the popularity of his books and a host of tawdry imitators.
—Bob Johnson, “Dinner with the Devil: An evening with, the High Priest of the Church of Satan.”
Whilst before Crowley the spelling of magic as magick was not unknown (Shakespeare and Milton employed that spelling) it was Crowley who popularized the spelling and elucidate a reason for it; the letter “k” is the 11th letter in the English alphabet and 11 is of imminent importance to Crowley’s system (and many others).
In his book Magick in Theory and Practice (1929 ed., p. 64) Crowley wrote that “11 is the number of Magick in itself. It is therefore suitable to all types of operation…is the sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon.”
Note an interesting July 22, 2012 AD tweet by Echols, “I walked off of Death Row exactly 11 months ago today.” Most would mark the anniversary but he chose to note the 11th month.
His Instagram title is Archmage11 and his Kik tag is Magician11.
Also, Gerald Gardner’s magickal system includes ritual circles the inner one which is 9 feet and the outer one which is 11 feet.
Occultists employ a pentagram, five pointed star, to represent the microcosm and for summoning and they employ a hexagram, six pointed star, to represent the macrocosm and for banishing; five and six equal 11.
Such examples to be continue ad infinitum.
Call it the “Law of Attraction” call it “The Secret” call it “The Force” call it “Word Faith” call it “Vril” call it call it Qi, Chi, Ki or Prana but it is all the same: tapping into an amoral non-personal energy and bending it towards one’s own will (speaking of will see video here to hear Will Smith elucidating this exact point).
In the next segment we will consider some of Damien Echol’s background.
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