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Dan Barker-the FFRF: positively affirm god’s non-existence

We will use the example of a billboard by the FFRF in order to show how their Atheism is based on “faith.” FFRF refers to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, an group which was established in the USA; a country premised upon the concept of freedom of religious expression. The FFRF, both, a watch-god group and an anti-Christian support group.

Some time ago we reported on their belligerent positive affirmation of God’s non-existence which read (note the neo-Paganism):

At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail.

There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.

There is only our natural world.

Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.

The follow up to this was a billboard which states, “Yes, Virginia … There is no God” (Monica Guzman, “Seattle’s atheist bus ads: So, Virginia, is there a God?,” Seattle pi Blogs, December 14, 2009).

The FFRF was founded by Dan Barker and Anne Nicol Gaylor and is now headed by Barker and his wife Annie Laurie Gaylor (Anne’s daughter). Annie has stated that this positive affirmation of God’s non-existence (without evidence) is, in fact, the maxim of the FFRF. A maxim is a “general rule, principle, or truth” and also, ironically in this case, “a succinct or pithy saying that has some proven truth to it” (as per the Encarta Dictionary). Thus, since the FFRF is premised upon a faith-based maxim; it is a religious organization.

Annie Laurie Gaylor affirmed their “faith” based dogmatheism in stating:

“The main purpose is to express something that’s true that doesn’t get said very much — there is no god — and it shouldn’t be a taboo…If people are mad about it, it’s because it’s true.”

Just how long will they continue making dogmatheistic assertions about God’s non-existence without evidence?

Do not misunderstand, the honesty is refreshing but I thought that merely expressing “faith” based assertions was not the manner in which supposedly evidence based Atheism function. I know, I know; it is, it is.

Since atheists are not interested in influencing children—wink wink, nudge nudge—“Yes, Virginia … There is no God” refers to a September 21, 1897 AD edition of The New York Sun which included the phrase “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” Thus, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has pictured Santa Clause positively affirming God’s non-existence.


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