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Dan Brown – The Da Vinci Code, part 3 of 4 : Cat's Got Your Tongue? No, But He Wishes He Did

The book that is worth killing people
and burning flags for is not the book that I wrote

—Salmon Rushdie1

Cat’s Got Your Tongue? No, But He Wishes He Did

Cat Stevens a.k.a. Yusuf Islam received the “Man of Peace” award from Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

When Salman Rushdie’s novel was published this man of peace stated that instead of attending a demonstration where Rushdie’s effigy would be burned, “I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing.” And that If Rushdie came to his doorstep, “I might ring somebody who might do more damage to him than he would like.” “I’d try to phone the Ayatollah Khomeini and tell him exactly where this man is.”
A fellow lover of peace, author Fay Weldon, stated, “Burn the book today, kill the writer tomorrow.”

Another fellow flower child, Dr. Kalim Siddiqui (director of the Muslim Institute in London) stated, “We are not a pacifist religion. We don’t turn the other cheek. We hit back,” he also complained that a broadcast of A Satanic Scenario, courtroom-style program in which he participated, was cut and omitted the Muslim justification for punishment of blasphemy.

In 2000 Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam was deported from Israel due to allegations that he backed the militant Islamic group Hamas and was denied entry into the US. Although he has “consistently denounced the acts of terrorists as being directly contradictory to the peaceful teachings of Islam,” and has “never knowingly supported any terrorist group.”2

On the CBS’s Sunday Morning (12-03-06) Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam was interviewed and asked about the good old days. Footage was shown of him at the time of the Rushdie fiasco in which he said, “Any writer who abuses the prophet, or indeed any prophet, under Islamic Law the sentence for that is actually death.” Clear enough isn’t it? At a time when the issue was whether it was right to support the murder of Rushdie, Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam explains to the world that it is perfectly in keeping with Islamic Law.

Except that in the year 2006 he further explains, “I certainly never supported the Fatwa. But when I was asked about, you know, the actual principle of blasphemy and capital punishment, well, like the Bible, I said, yeah, its there in the Qur’an. I couldn’t deny that.”

Does this strike you as convolution? I did not support the call for Rushdie’s murder (the Fatwa) but I support the Qur’an and Islamic Law upon which the Fatwa is based?!? Moreover, what on Earth does the Bible have to do with it? Except, of course, the fact that its mention is a diversionary tactic.

The New Testament teaches:

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who despitefully use you. And to him who strikes you on the one cheek, also offer the other. And to him who takes away your garment, do not forbid your tunic also…

For if you love those who love you, what thanks do you have? For sinners also love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks do you have? For sinners also do the same. And if you lend to those of whom you hope to receive, what thanks do you have?

For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return. And your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest. For He is kind to the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:27-29, 32-35).

Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam said that “Any writer who abuses…any prophet, under Islamic Law the sentence for that is actually death.”
But Jesus taught the following in referring to Himself as the Son of Man, “whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him” (Matthew 12:32).

Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam further stated, “I needed to go through a whole period of learning and to understand the politics of, you know, of life in the big world.”
Sure, there were murders, maiming, riots, bombings and Rushdie has to live his life in fear but it was a good lesson for Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam.

But what is the ultimate bottom line here, why was Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam on “Sunday Morning”? Well, the crazy Cat is back, he is recording a new album and, apparently, wants the filthy lucre of the great satan – America.

Comments by Charles Krauthammer
From The Washington Post Company, © 2006, 9-22-06, p. A17
Tolerance: A Two-Way Street


“The pope makes a reference to a 14th-century Byzantine emperor’s remark about Islam imposing itself by the sword, and to protest this linking of Islam and violence…’How dare you say Islam is a violent religion? I’ll kill you for it’ is not exactly the best way to go about refuting the charge.

But of course, refuting is not the point here. The point is intimidation. First Salman Rushdie. Then the false Newsweek report about Koran-flushing at Guantanamo Bay. Then the Danish cartoons…And the intimidation succeeds: politicians bowing and scraping to the mob over the cartoons;

Saturday’s craven New York Times editorial telling the pope to apologize; the plague of self-censorship about anything remotely controversial about Islam – this in a culture in which a half-naked pop star blithely stages a mock crucifixion as the highlight of her latest concert tour.”



