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Reply to Zen Garcia on the serpent seed of Satan theory

Note: I originally published this as a very long essay so as to make it easier for Zen to get my whole reply in one shot. However, I have now broken it up into sections so as to make it more manageable and thus more user/reader friendly.

To a comment I made to a video titled, “Sons of God Prerelease Interview with Professor Truth – 11/11/2012,” Zen Garcia replied with a thoughtful, well researched, lengthy and detailed description of why, how and upon what he holds to the serpent seed of Satan theory. This was very much appreciated and gave occasion for me to write the following not only as to why I do not hold to that theory but also as to why, or so it seems to me, Zen’s reasoning, sources and conclusions are faulty.
In certain cyber circles, Zen Garcia is a very popular expositor of the serpent seed of Satan theory and is active on his website, YouTube channel and has been interviewed numerous times. Beyond the cyber realm; he has also published various books.

The main point of my comment to him was that “Genesis 4:1 states, ‘Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain.’” This is key because the serpent seed of Satan theory claims that Cain was the result of a sexual encounter between Eve and Satan.

The loosely parsed sections below are subtitled thusly:

Hebrew Torah, Aramaic Targum And English KJV Eve’s Desire For The Angel Of The Lord The Original Sex Sin Cain’s Bloodline / Seedline The Curse And Bloodlines / Seedlines The Eating Fruit And Pain In Childbirth Correlation The Resolution Of The Mysterious Problems The Seedline/Bloodlines Jesus’ Parabolic Statements Who Are Children Of The Wicked One? The Serpent Seed Of Satan Bible Codes

Steve Quayle On Elite Bloodlines

For my whole Serpent Seed of Satan series including my discussions with Zen Garcia, see see here. In the next segment we will consider the Hebrew Torah, Aramaic Targum and English KJV.


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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page and/or on my Google+ page.

Twitter: #serpentseed, #satan, #zengarcia
Facebook: #serpentseed, #satan, #zengarcia



