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Abortion’s Arguments: making abortion illegal will not stop it

In the cause of claiming that making abortion illegal will not stop it, should we legalize rape because laws against rape have not stopped rape from occurring?

The same holds true for murder, stealing, child and spousal abuse and in fact any law at all, because after all, these laws do not keep the crime from occurring.

This is another example of the fact that Pro-Abortion arguments are utterly invalid and this is why they are never applicable by another to any other issue.



Bernard Nathanson, The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind

Randy C. Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers

Randy C. Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments Expanded & Updated

Scott Klusendorf, Pro-Life 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Case Persuasively

“Sacred Abortion”

Richard Dawkins – On Abortion, Tadpoles, Rape, Cows, Murder and Sheep

The Exorcist’s Abortion and the Satanist’s Repentance

George Tiller, Abortionist Murders, and the Richard Dawkins Correlation

Is pro-life and pro-death penalty a contradiction?

Barker – His Views On Human Dignity

Abortion Money Machine Rolls Out the Ads in the UK

Pro-abortionists target pro-lifers

Greg Koukl on pro-abortion “logic”

Abortion and the Intolerance of the Pseudo-Tolerant

Abortion and Homosexual Marriage – The Faulty Correlation

Sam Harris – The Dehumanizer



