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Article and video: Illuminati and the Bible in “The Visitor” movie

The 1979 AD movie “The Visitor” was directed by Giulio Paradisi aka Michael J. Paradiseby and is based on a story by the Egypt-born Italian writer Ovidio G. Assonitis that is titled “Stridulum.”

The movie was re-released in 2013 AD by Drafthouse Films who describe it as “phantasmagoric sci-fi/horror/action/??? Hybrid.” It contains some violent scenes and 5 cuss words.

The first monologue in the movie sets the stage quite clearly; at least, for those paying attention. Set on an alien planet, a human looking alien man tells a group of bald children the following:

Once, far away, light years, distances beyond thought, a great slender ship with a tail of fire slid through the black reaches of space. On that ship was Sateen, a prisoner named Sateen. Words cannot describe his evil. His criminality. He had been captured by Commander Yahveh after decades of search and evasion in a blood-drenched battle that claimed hundreds of lives. But shortly thereafter, Sateen escaped in a tiny scout craft. A fantastic escape from that spaceship. And soon he found a hiding place on the planet Earth…

Sateen was a mutant, his genes transformed. A mutant with a primal wish to kill, but evolved to new psychic and occult powers. He used these powers to spread destruction and death. In order to find and destroy Sateen, Commander Yahveh tried many methods. One of these methods was an immense army of birds trained to hunt and to kill. But when these birds did discover Sateen, he transformed himself into an eagle and managed to destroy them all. Except for three, which survived and wounded him, fatally, in the brain.

But Sateen, now dead, lived on in another way. Before he was killed, he mated with Earth women, procreating numerous children, thereby transmitting his wicked spirit and evil powers through new generations. Yet the struggle continued, and still goes on. For Yahveh’s descendants pursued the progeny of Sateen, lest their contamination spread through the cosmos.

Obviously, this pertains to Satan and YHVH which some spell Yahweh; a reference to the Tetragrammaton, God’s name as per Exodus 3.

Since the story, at least its premise, is metaphorical it does not have a one to one correspondence with the Bible but obviously gleans from it; here are some key points:

The prisoner named Sateen was an evil criminal captured by Yahveh.

The “decades of search and evasion in a blood-drenched battle that claimed hundreds of lives” may refer to human history in general” at the end of which, generally speaking, “Sateen escaped…And soon he found a hiding place on the planet Earth.”

As per Revelation 20 states, “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season…And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations.”

Biblically, this was after that which Revelation 12 refers to as a “war in heaven” the result of which was that “the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

That “Sateen was a mutant, his genes transformed. A mutant with a primal wish to kill, but evolved to new psychic and occult powers” may refer to Satan’s fall in general and his paranormal abilities of influence, etc. “powers to spread destruction and death.”

Yahveh’s “army of birds” may refer to Angels who, as per Revelation 12 waged the “war in heaven” again Satan and “his Angels” which consisted of one third of all Angels. The three birds that survived may be a vague Trinitarian reference but, in any case, Sateen was fatally wounded “in the brain” but “lived on in another way.”

Revelation 13 notes that a beast was seen symbolically “having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”

Thus, Sateen is mortally wounded in the head but lives on and the beast is mortally wounded in the head but lives on—this same exact theme is played upon in the original Tron movie as Sark is mortally wounded in the head but lives on as he is resurrected by the MCP—see the video:

What is the movie “Tron” really about?

Sateen’s mating with Earth women refers, loosely, to the Genesis 6 affair which does not refer to Satan but does refer to Sons of God Angels who did just that and procreated numerous children who are called Nephilim—for more info on this, see:

Was Noah genetically “perfect in his generation?

Nephilim – one or multiple incursions?

As in the days of Noah – the eschaton and the Nephilim

In one way or another, many theorize that the Sons of God procreating with the daughters of men is what brought about demons and here we were told that Sateen’s mating with Earth women resulted in “transmitting his wicked spirit and evil powers through new generations.”

The movie develops by following “Yahveh’s descendants” who discover that a girl has been born on Earth to the only woman left with the genetics of Sateen. Thus, the girl could carry on the genetic line.

Other point of interest that seem to touch upon what is generally termed the Illuminati: from elitists trading wealth for favors and pedophilia to MK Ultra and Monarch mind control programing.

the only woman left with the genetics of Sateen is named Barbara Collins and according to some, such as researcher and author Fritz Springmeier, the Collins family is one of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati families, see The Collins Bloodline.

The girl has a pet hawk which seems to play the role of a familiar in terms of a witch’s companion. This seems indicative of the Egyptian god Horus unto which Aleister Crowley appealed as one of the revelators of his Book of the Lawsee here for details. As that book states, “This ‘God’ Horus…is symbolized as a Hawk-Headed God enthroned” also “51. With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hands upon the cross” and “70. I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence & of Strength.”

In fact, the hawk does peck at a man’s eyes within the movie.

There is also a group of elitists who offer the boyfriend of the woman, wealth in exchange for him producing children with her. When he fails, they kidnap her and perform artificial incrimination.

At one point, the man and woman wonder if the movie’s good guy is a child molester when he, an elderly man, shows up to their home as the babysitter. Later, the girl calls an inspector a child molester.

MK Ultra and Monarch mind control programing seems to come up in a scene wherein the little girl finds herself in a room full of mirrors so that her reflection is multiplied. This is imagery associated with multiple personality – dissociative identify disorder.

Also in this regard, the girl receives a boxed up birthday present within which is a gun with which she is to shoot her mother.

Also, the original babysitter/maid tells the mother to ward off the influences of Saturn. She had previously attempted to engage the mother in astrology, as was all the fad back in the ‘70s but she clearly knew now of what she spake. Some have correlated the term Saturn with Satan.

Find the movie here

See my review of Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law here


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