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Giant tomb in Afghanistan & the giant of Kandahar

I consider the following to be in line with my report on Ancient Vimana spacecraft found in Afghanistan cave (for background, also see Ancient alien UFOs, the Vimanas: Erich Von Daniken and Sources for re-researching the Ancient Alien issue of Vimana-UFOs).

The s8int site posted a page under “OOPARTS (out of place artifacts) & ANCIENT HIGH TECHNOLOGY—Evidence of Noah’s Flood?” which is titled, “Giants in Those Days—A Tomb Containing a 10 Foot Giant Found, In Afghanistan.”

They refer to “an e-mail sent in by a U.S. Air Force officer” first note: note that no name is given. At the end of the page it notes, “” which would explain the anonymous source which is merely claimed to be authoritative as that is Quayle’s modus operandi: Hey, I was just contacted by an anonymous high ranking source who told me something no one could possibly follow up on since it’s classified. However, I could not find anything regarding this issue on Quayle’s site.

In any regards, the U.S. Air Force officer claims that this photo which was supposedly taken a mere eight months ago shows a sergeant standing next to the giant, 28 feet long, tomb. The site notes that Colonel Haygood, USAF has noted, “it looks as if it was taken in the late 50’s to mid 60’s. That is the old tan AF uniform.” This make sense since, for some reason a new photo is black and white.


He is said to be holding the giant’ turban and that it was lined with brass (perhaps the original tin foil hat). Now, when you are going to make such claims you definitely want to announce it the USA as being half a world away and make sure you point out, as is the case here, that the corpse, “was flown to a secret military base in Europe.”

The other story of interest is that a Special Forces team operating in Afghanistan in 2002 AD cornered an a circa 12-15 feet tall estimated to be 1,100 pounds cannibalistic giant in a cave which has come to be known as the Khandahar Giant. It is noted that this is “being reported by multiple sources” which, let us face it, means that a bunch of people simply copies and pasted assertions and did no reporting on it whatsoever.

The giant is said to have had a red beard, scarlet red hair and a detail which seems to be based on the common misconception that in the Bible, giants had six fingers and six toes. However, this is only stated of one single person within the Bible, ““man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot” (1 Chronicles 20:6).

Even though our soldiers wear head mounted cameras all we have imagewise is cartoons (surely the government confiscated the video footage and it is locked away in an Indiana Jones style warehouse).


One soldier, identified only as “Dan” is said to have been “skewered by the giant” with a lance/spear.
Of course, “the government did not divulge this encounter” and “the soldiers were told afterward to ‘rewrite’ their after-action reports.” Ultimately, the giant’s dead body was flown “on the C-130 back to the United States” Ohio, to be exact (in as far as it is claimed).

We are told that “Steve Quayle and Gen6 Productions made a mini-doc about this event, interviewing a soldier” but “he remained anonymous.” We are also told that “Several eyewitnesses claim” this and that and yet, they too remained anonymous.

Also, “L.A. Marzulli explores the spectacular charge” and within the video below has George Noory, of Coast to Coast, who noted “a show in 2008 with Steve Quayle where an” unnamed “Air Force pilot said he flew a giant out of Kandahar.”

Here is an image of Marzulli interviewing one of the anonymous soldiers. Note the Arabic on the back of his shirt so, he really must have been a soldier in Kandahar—and he bought the t-shirt!


Yet, we are told of “REAL evidence of spectacular creatures” told by another unnamed soldier who “testified there were rumors at his base in Afghanistan,” that the unnamed “soldier alleged the rumor was actually widely circulated among military forces in Afghanistan” and that the unnamed “soldier also said local people told seemingly ridiculous stories about giants who would attack humans – even eat them.”


Of course, the tricky bit is that such claims cut both ways or rather could be argued by both sides: well of course if you were military or ex-military you would not want to divulge your name and the government would cover up such occurrences. And yet, if someone simply felt like making up a story they would claim that they are military or ex-military, do not want to divulge their name and the government would cover up such occurrences.

Marines Encounter Red-Haired Giant in Afghanistan Cave During A Mission In Kandahar ..!, Sia Magazine

Is U.S. government hiding the ‘giant of Kandahar’?, World Net Daily



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