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Open note to L.A. Marzulli on the Ralph Glidden Catalina Island giant

Note: this is an update version of the original article and may be update again based on continued research that I am conducing on this specific issue. Also, L.A. Marzulli was kind enough to offer me a bit of important info of which I was not aware when I first posted it.

I am posting this open note to L.A. Marzulli on the Ralph Glidden Catalina Island giant because research into the issue of the Nephilim (and all that comes with such as the related issue of giants, UFOs, “aliens,” high tech, etc.) is considered fringe by both secular culture and Christian culture (or, pop-Churchianity).
Thus, it is all the more important that those of us who research with such issues, to whatever degree, be as accurate as possible.

The official website for The Catalina Chamber note that following the 1923 AD discovery or King Tutankhamen’s Egyptian tomb styled archeologist Ralph Glidden, “spun fantastic tales of his research on Santa Catalina: he had found evidence of a race of giants on the island; he discovered evidence of ‘white Indians’; he found the fabled lost Temple of the Sun God that was bigger in scope than Stonehenge.” They also note that “planned to crown” his makeshift museum “with a massive 16-foot skull” although we are not told to what the skull pertained (human or animal) and are only told of his plans and not about the actual skull.

The LA Times reported that Glidden claimed that he found “the skeleton of a man, 7 feet 8 inches tall, with a spear blade embedded in his left side. Glidden claimed it was evidence of a prehistoric race of giant fair-skinned, blue-eyed Native Americans” and yet, “No photographs of his unearthing of those remains are in the discovered boxes” of his archives in the Catalina Island Museum (Louis Sahagun, “Bones flesh out an island’s history,” April 02, 2012 AD).

Based on calculations based on a photograph that was found, Marzulli estimates that at least one skeleton was more than 8 and 9 feet tall. These calculations are said to have been verified by four people’s analysis.

Well, no one seems to know what happened to the skeletons themselves which means that the actual physical evidence is gone—and, by the way, claiming that the Smithsonian hid them away in their Indiana Jones style warehouse is not evidence.

Photo found within the Catalina Island Museum’s Glidden archive boxes

Marzulli’s methodology was to reproduce the photo above, cut Glidden and the skeleton out of it and rotate their respective physical frames so as to put them both into an upright posture which would result in being able to compare their heights as Glidden’s height is known to be 5 ft. 8 in. The calculations result in the skeleton being circa 8 ft. 9 in. tall.

Let us jump to the bottom line which is that the skeleton is circa 8 ft. 9 in. tall which is where my initial article note on this issue came into play. Recall that four unnamed people are said to have analyzed the photograph and the implication is that they approved. However, we are also not told if they considered the photo in terms of authenticity or if they considered it with regards to Marzulli’s methodology.

My interest is to point out that which appears to be an unknown error which I will hereinafter make known for the sake of accuracy in reporting on such issues.

. Photographs are 2 dimensional representations of a 3 dimensional reality. It is a 1) height and 2) width representation of 1) height, 2) width and 3) depth.

A height a width photo is a mere line when turned on its side.

Thus, in real 3-D life, there is a certain amount of distance between where Ralph is standing and
where the skeleton was found (since he is standing behind, away, from it and not directly over it).

The side turned photograph represented by the line (L) is only as wide as the paper upon which it is printed which is a negligible depth and also not relevant to what the 3-D world it represents looked like.
The 3-D world had Ralph, a certain amount of distance (R), and then skeleton.

On his website, Marzulli’s notes that the distance from Glidden to the skeleton is 7 ft.
My initial conclusion is that the unknown error is that this difference in distance from Ralph to the skeleton is that this proximity differential means that the skeleton looks bigger than Ralph because it is closer to the viewer, to the camera: it is bigger in the photo due to this form of an optical illusion.

I had initially concluded that putting Ralph and the skeleton into the upright posture failed for a size comparison due to fact that the skeleton is closer than Glidden and therefore, their heights cannot be differentiated accurately.
I reasoned that if Ralph was standing directly over the skeleton the distance between then would be one foot of less and that would result in the ability to reckon their height differences based on placing them into a more upright posture.

I based the original article on a lecture I saw Marzulli present on a DVD and the issue of taking the distance into consideration was not mentioned. Also, from looking at the photo and the analysis it appears that the distance was not taken into consideration. However, Marzulli notes that the four people who analyzed the photo did, indeed, take the distance between Glidden and the skeleton into consideration, include this in their calculations and this is that which concluded in the circa 8.9 height.
I am currently seeking to determine if such details are within his relevant book which mentions this and hope to follow up with the four personages who conducted the analysis.

Finally, as aforementioned, this has been an exercise in assisting those of us involved, to whatever degree, in researching issues considered fringe to be all the more vigilant and discerning about how we conduct our research and how we report it and this goes for me just as much for myself as I am absolutely open to criticism and correction.


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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page and/or on my Google+ page.

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