Ken Ammi’s True Free Thinker:
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The Book of Job – Dismissed but Essential

The death of the prophets

The Golden Rules—plural? On the Golden Rule vs. the Fools Gold Rule

The Messiah and YHVH’s Passover

The “Science Club of Long Island” claims that Jesus is a fraud

Troll FAIL on historical Jesus myth

Video and article: Jimmy Carter appeals to Jesus on gay rights

VIDEO: “Gods of Egypt” movie and Jesus Pagan mythicism

VIDEO: (Literal) Celebrity Worship

VIDEO: Atheist claims Mary was raped by an angel

VIDEO: Atheist Dan Barker hates the God he claims does not exist

VIDEO: Benny Hinn PWNS Joel Osteen & Oprah

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-18-2015 AD

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update 3-8-2015 AD

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-13-2015

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-24-2015 AD

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 12-20-2014 AD

VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 2-14-2015 AD

VIDEO: Gary Habermas PWNS Atheist Tim Callahan: evidence vs. talking points

VIDEO: How Dr. Drew will usher in the anti-Christ

VIDEO: Is Barack Obama the anti-Christ? No, but…

VIDEO: Politics as religion – choir replaces Jesus with Hillary Clinton

VIDEO: Rabbinic Jewish Kabbalah vs. Biblical Trinitarian theology

VIDEO: Sarah Young “Jesus Calling” divine or demonic?

VIDEO: The Man Who Would Be King and the King Who Would Be Man

VIDEO: To Atheist who do not know Bible basics

VIDEO: What is the movie “Tron” really about?

VIDEO: Why is hell eternal and is eternal punishment for finite crime just?

VIDEO: Why “Give the Drummer Some!” podcaster Chris is an Atheist

VIDEO: Zeitgeist movie The Man From Earth



