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The Lore Library asks: Did Jesus Secretly Lead an Ancient War Against Nephilim Giants?

The Lore Library Facebook page posted the following questions, plural actually, Did Jesus Secretly Lead an Ancient War Against Nephilim Giants? The Divine Warrior Who Battled Nephilim Giants in the Bible?

A certain Daryl Alarcon Cervantes commented

Yeah…one rule on textual cristicism is the harder the reading is the correct and original text…

So “Jesus led the Israelites out of Egypt” is the harder reading so it is the correct reading …

But nephilim are not necessarily giants they were men of renown in Genesis 6:4..

The Sumerians tablets also have nephilim traditions..they were the kings of Sumer which they call “Lugal”…”Lugal means” big man”…

Like Lugalbanda..

I, True Freethinker, replied

Indeed, “Jesus led the Israelites out of Egypt” has nothing whatsoever to do with Gen 6:4 but neither does, “big man”–even thought that’s utterly subjective.

Daryl Alarcon Cervantes

nope..Numbers 13:33 “we see the Nephilim we are like grasshoppers in our eyes”…

Although this is a false report the Israelites considers the Nephilim as big men…

And according to genesis 6:4 they are men of old and men of renown…

The only civilization older than the semites is the Sumerian civilization which also have this tradition…

True Freethinker

I see what happened now:

It’s a demonstrable fac that, “‘Jesus led the Israelites out of Egypt’ has nothing whatsoever to do with Gen 6:4 but neither does, ‘big man’–even thought that’s utterly subjective.”

So, what you did is to read all the way to Num 13:33—so you jumped CENTURIES ahead and then backed up to misread, misunderstand, misinterpret, and misapply Gen 6.

Yet, you are a very interestingly odd case since how could it possibly make sense to you that, “this is a false report” and yet, “the Israelites considers the Nephilim as big men”? Friend, if they actually believed that part of the false report then they believed it AFTER hearing it: they bought the deception, they believed a tall-tale, and you’re perpetuating it.

Yes, “And according to genesis 6:4 they are men of old and men of renown” not men of vaguely subjectively unusual size.

Daryl Alarcon Cervantes

🤣😂..i yo didnt read the Bible.. Numbers 13:32 “the spies made an evil report”.. And in Numbers 14:36 “God killed the spies who made the evil report”…

They didnt see giants..they lied..

So show me a verse where the Israelites killed a giant when they attacked Canaan???

They considered nephilim as big men because its in their mythology..

Have you read the book of Enoch.. not perpetuating the false report.. You alien conspiracy theorists are perpetuating the false report😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

You cannot prove alien stupidity theories if you’re just undermining me🤣😂..give me an evidence..

True Freethinker

I’ve no idea to what you’re referring. I’m on record in many of my books, and many of my articles, and many of my videos, and many of my comments on various sites arguing, emphatically, that THE ONLY pos-flood reference to Nephilim is “an evil report…They didnt see giants [Nephilim]..they lied..false report…”

Daryl Alarcon Cervantes

yeah…it was just a myth..

There are no giants..

Oh theres another book…try jack and the beanstalk…the newer rendition was good😂🤣

True Freethinker

Well, now the issue becomes: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?

Daryl Alarcon Cervantes

you’re the only one who has issues here😂🤣🤣..

So how tall a giant is to you to be called a giant ??

True Freethinker

Head counting how many people have an issue is irrelevant.

Fascinatingly, I’ve asked those key questions to hundreds of people who go on and on (and on and on [and on and on]) about “giants” and 99.999999% can’t even reply—and couple that did got it wrong.

Daryl Alarcon Cervantes

lets cut the only answer the question after a week or a month😂🤣..i will not wait a year for an answer 😂🤣🤣there’s no giant… It’s just a myth…grow up.. You’re just confusing yourself 😂🤣 Its just simple one question and it takes you for a month 😂🤣 Maybe the people are just bored with your stupidity thats why they dont answer you😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

True Freethinker

The rapidity with which one replies is irrelevant.

So, you refer to “giants” I ask to what you’re referring, you don’t elucidate, and you re-use the word “giants”: frind, that’s an incoherent MO.

So, what you just asserted it, “there’s no ______” which, of course, is meaningless.

It’s sad because if you could manage to do something besides posting emojis you might actually learn something.

Well, that was the end of it since it seems that Cervantes ran out of childish emojis.

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