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Discussing Michael Heiser’s “Where do Evil Spirits Come From?”

Such was the title of a vid by Dr. Michael S. Heiser which led to the following discussion when a certain @claytonbigsby commented

All but 8 people died during the flood so where did the giants come from  post flood?


The key questions are:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?


You mean Nephilim?


Fascinatingly, I’ve asked those key questions to dozens and dozens (and dozens [and dozens]) of people who go on and on (and on [and on]) about “giants” and literally zero have replied. You used the term “giants” so I’m asking you.


Giants/Nephilim/human hybrids/Elohim : products of a rebellion


Sorry, I don’t understand: are you asking “All but 8 people died during the flood so where did the Giants/Nephilim/human hybrids/Elohim : products of a rebellion come from  post flood?”


I don’t understand why you don’t understand my question,” where did the giants come from post flood?”


Because I asked what you mean and you didn’t elucidate. I asked three questions and you replied with a question and then with a list of unrelated words so you’re making it hard to understand you.


ok. sorry I didn’t make myself clear.


Appreciate that. No worries, this issue gets confusing due to some of the popular terms being thrown around not being very specific.

So, let’s back up, “All but 8 people died during the flood so where did the giants come from  post flood?” by implication “giants” must refer to Nephilim but there’s zero reliable indication that they came back.

See, that would imply that God failed: He meant to be rid of them via the flood but couldn’t get the job done, He must have missed the loophole whereby they returned, so the flood was much of a waste.

Such is the damage that post-flood Nephilology does to theology.


Numbers 13 vs 33 seems to disagree with your interpretation of scripture.


I would really like to keep this discussion to one thread since we have the same one going on two but for now, I guess, I will note that sure: when you based your views on only one single verse and you ignore the fact that you’re appealing to an “evil report” by unreliable guys whom God rebuked and who made mere assertions unbacked by even one single other verse in the whole Bible and whom God rebuked and whom contradicted Moses, Caleb, Joshua, the rest of the whole entire Bible, and God then yes, that utterly untrustworthy unreliable sentence disagrees with my interpretation and I’m more than pleased with that since I don’t side with guys whom God rebuked but I side with the God who rebuked them.


verse 33. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim. verse 34. And Moses said, “What ? That can’t be true cause all them Nephilim fellers died in the flood.”  Good catch, I see your point.


Friend, you don’t seem to be familiar with the relevant data and it may be that you’re been sold a tall-tale by pop-Nephilologists who have taught to you build entire all-encompassing theories upon one single verse and to not read the narrative for context.

If God rebuking them—to death—isn’t enough then I’m afraid that if “Moses said, ‘What ? That can’t be true cause all them Nephilim fellers died in the flood’” (which he already did in Gen 6) won’t convince you to give upon your man-made tradition either.

Please read Deut 1 wherein Moses relates that very same event and tell me where he mentions Nephilim.


You conveniently ignored, “you based your views on only one single verse”

You conveniently ignored, “you ignore the fact that you’re appealing to an ‘evil report’”

You conveniently ignored, “by unreliable guys”

You conveniently ignored, “whom God rebuked”

You conveniently ignored, “who made mere assertions unbacked by even one single other verse in the whole Bible”

You conveniently ignored, “whom God rebuked”

You conveniently ignored, “whom contradicted Moses, Caleb, Joshua, the rest of the whole entire Bible, and God”

You conveniently ignored, “I don’t side with guys whom God rebuked but I side with the God who rebuked them”

And you didn’t tell me what tall-tale you invented (or parrot) to get Nephilim past the flood, past God who failed when He couldn’t figure out the loophole you found so that the flood was much of a waste.


Numbers 13 vs 33 disagrees with your interpretation of your response to me.


Friend, if you merely type a profile name on YT it won’t send a notification about the comment, you have to reply to the reply in order for that to happen: I just happened to notice this one now.

You’re directing me to one sentence from an “evil report” by unreliable guys whom God rebuked so, why do you believe them?

That brought the discussion to an end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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