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Dealing with someone who notes “I totally agree” with LA Marzulli on “Thoughts on hybrids and alien impregnations”

On Facebook, LA Marzulli posted Thoughts on hybrids and alien impregnations

A certain Ed Blunk commented

I totally agree with LA [Marzulli].

I, True Freethinker, decided to take it in a particular direction

So you also imply that God failed when He meant to be rid of Nephilim but couldn’t get the job done, must have missed the (fictional) second incursion that LA figured out, and so the flood was much of a waste due to teaching the un-biblical tall-tale about post-flood Nephilim?

Ed Blunk

REALLY – What Part of Gen.6:1-4 – which says the Giants / Nephilim were on the earth in those days ( Noah’s day) and also AFTER that ! ——– God didn’t Fail , Scripture is Clear what happened — Actually study ALL of God’s word , and see there were Giants / Nephilim on the earth after the Flood : – Wake up to truth :

True Freethinker

Well, note that you said, “those days ( Noah’s day) and also AFTER that !” but you artificially inserted “( Noah’s day)” into God’s word so your resultant implication that “AFTER that !” is after Noah’s day (which continued post-flood) refers to after the flood is based on a faulty premise that you invented.

T Ron Coates

Criticize and mock something you have never encountered. Perhaps you never will. Sad.

Ed Blunk to True Freethinker

So you are going to throw out many Old Testament Scriptures after the Flood of Noah – which speaks of the Giants / Nephilim : How sad for you :

True Freethinker to T Ron Coates

To what are you referring by “encountered”?

True Freethinker to Ed Blunk

It’s very simple then, please quote and/or cite “many Old Testament Scriptures after the Flood of Noah – which speaks of the…Nephilim.”

As for, “Giants / Nephilim,” the key questions are:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?

T Ron Coates to me

Lack of evidence doesn’t prove something doesn’t exist.

Ed Blunk to me

If you are to Lazy to look up the Scriptures in the Old Testament on the Giants after the Flood , then that’s on you : David and Goliath come to mind ! And Sasquatch are Giants , and most likely Off- Breeds of the Nephilim Giants :

True Freethinker to T Ron Coates

Post-flood Nephilologists don’t understand that neither that lack of evidence doesn’t prove something does exist.

True Freethinker to Ed Blunk

Let’s slow down since, consciously or not, you’re playing a game you learned from pop-Nephilologists like LA.

I noted, 1) “you also imply that God failed” 2) “when He meant to be rid of Nephilim but couldn’t get the job done” 3) “must have missed the (fictional) second incursion that LA figured out” 4) “and so the flood was much of a waste” 5) “due to teaching the un-biblical tall-tale about post-flood Nephilim?”

You conveniently ignored all five points.

Now, I specifically referred to the ancient Hebrew word “Nephilim” but you moved the goalpost to the vague, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” so, I have to ask these key questions:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?

As for, “to Lazy to look up the Scriptures” you’re being ungraceful and literally prejudice since I’ve familiarized myself with over two millennia worth of relevant data that I used to write my dozen, or so, Nephilology books.

Again, the context was “Nephilim” so when you appeal to “Giants after the Flood” such as, “Goliath” you’re referring to a Repha, not a Nephil. So, you just made a category error that violates the law of identity. Pop-Nephilologists tend to speak in generically vague watered down terms to fast-talk you into believing them and now you’re doing the same thing you learned from them so, let’s sharpen iron with iron.

As for, “Sasquatch are Giants , and most likely Off- Breeds of the Nephilim Giants” I don’t base my view, my doctrine, especially when it implies that God failed, off of crypto-zoological beings and a “most likely”—and neither should anyone.

Ed Blunk

God did not Fail — And you will learn the truth when we get to heaven :

True Freethinker

I’m unsure why you tell me that God didn’t fail. Indeed, but post-flood Nephilologists imply that He did. And I don’t need to wait until we get to heaven since God spoke very clearly about this in His Word.

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here.



