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The following discussion ensued due to LA Marzulli’s video ASTOUNDING ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIND!

David B noted

Makes logical sense to me that this would be something the giants wrote. Isn’t it recorded in Enoch where they had disturbing dreams of destruction and sought out Enoch to somehow get some mercy on their side using Enoch as a mediator of sorts? Them fleeing across the face of the earth to distant continents to somehow escape the judgment upon them most definitely appears to be a piece of the fragmented puzzle of the history of the Nephilim.

I, Ken Ammi, replied

Asserting the likes of that they went about “fleeing across the face of the earth to distant continents to somehow escape the judgment” is how LA implies that God failed: He meant to be rid of them via the flood but couldn’t get the job done.

David B

this is post flood scenario, not pre Noah’s flood. God stated He would not flood the earth in judgment again, so the elimination came at the hands of obedient men?

MR V chimed in thusly

Yahweh did not fail at all. Joshua and Caleb did rid the land of these creatures. What stayed behind were the dominions, the principalities and they can still be seen there to this day.

Ken Ammi @David B

Same difference: it implies that God failed. The issue is that the one and only reason to even invent such un-biblical tall tales is one single verse within an “evil report” by guys whom God rebuked–Num 13:33.

Ken Ammi @MR V

Indeed, “Yahweh did not fail at all” but you, et al., imply that He did: he sent the flood but it turned out to be a waste since He couldn’t get the job done and so Joshua and Caleb had to finish the job.

Yet, there’s zero reliable indication that they “rid the land of these creatures.”

As I noted to David B:  the one and only reason to even invent such un-biblical tall tales is one single verse within an “evil report” by guys whom God rebuked–Num 13:33.

David B

no it isn’t. Purely your opinion because you already don’t like the premise. That’s all. God commanded Joshua to wipe out the nephilim tribes in the land, and he did. The rest of them perished, hence finding their remains all over the planet. Just because God didn’t execute His judgment the way you think it should have been done, is solely based upon your reasoning. Absolute nonsense.

“unbiblical tales…”

What do you think the Bible is supposed to contain every single aspect of history, other wise it never happened? What a seriously flawed approach to any topic out there. Of course you don’t even hint at challenging  the evidence people like L. A. uncover, you are simply coming from a opinion that no nephilim existed anywhere else on the planet, “because the Bible doesn’t say it”. News flash, scripture doesn’t comment on every single aspect of history.

Ken Ammi

Well, of course post-flood Nephilim implies that God failed: He meant to be rid of them but couldn’t get the job done. Keep in mind that LA teaches the unbiblical theory of post-flood incursions for which there’s literally zero evidence.

Buy let’s simplify this: you assert, “God commanded Joshua to wipe out the nephilim tribes” so please quote and cite where God commanded Joshua to do that, specifically.

Something must be wrong with the YT comment section since you seem to imply that you’re quoting me saying, “unbiblical tales…” but I can’t find where I did so.

In any case, if I did so then we agree: I’m saying “unbiblical tales…” and you too are saying that since you note it’s not the case that “the Bible is supposed to contain every single aspect of history…”

Now, considering that I’ve written articles about LA’s views, and interacted with him via email, and featured him in my book “Nephilim and Giants As Per Pop Researchers,” I’m unsure why you say, “you don’t even hint at challenging  the evidence people like L. A. uncover.”

I have no idea where on the planet they lived, my only point is just that they didn’t make it past the flood in any way, shape, or form.

Robert S @MR V

Interesting.   Can you elaborate ?  What do you mean ?  Are you saying there was another post flood rebellion of angels ?

Ken Ammi @Robert S

That’s actually LA’s view but he tends to back off from it when it’s pointed out to him that there’s zero evidence for it.

MR V @Robert S

When you look at the main geographical areas where Hamas and Hezbolah operate in, they coincide perfectly where the areas that were the most troublesome for Joshua and Caleb, as they applied God’s judgement. That is not a coincidence.

Ken Ammi @MR V

God’s judgment on Rephaim, et al., but not ever on Nephilim.

David B

Let’s use your logic then. God failed to wipe out sin with the flood of Noah….because….what was the judgment of the flood of Noah about??? So God failed to stop the sins committed at Sodom & Gomorrah….because…what sins were judged at those cities?

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them….”

Genesis 6:4

Genesis was written post flood, so what does the phrase “and also afterward” mean then? Remember the context is talking about the Nephilim.

“In another battle with the Philistines at Gath, they encountered a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in all, who was also a descendant of the giants.”

2nd Samuel 21:20

Huge man with six fingers on each hand, six toes on each foot…”he also was descended from Rapha”. That is a Nephilim giant descended from the Rephaites. Plural word for this tribe is the Rephaim, which Goliath and his brothers came from.

“In the course of time, war broke out with the Philistines, at Gezer. At that time Sibbekai the Hushathite killed Sippai, one of the descendants of the Rephaites, and the Philistines were subjugated. In another battle with the Philistines, Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver’s rod. In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot—twenty-four in all. He also was descended from Rapha. When he taunted Israel, Jonathan son of Shimea, David’s brother, killed him. These were descendants of Rapha in Gath, and they fell at the hands of David and his men.”

1st Chronicles 20:4-8

For context about the size of a “weaver’s rod”…if one was making cloth to the standard size of about 6 ft. wide, the rod would have to be 8 ft. long & 2 1/2 to 3 inches thick. This was a Nephilim giant wielding a massive spear that a normal human could not properly handle. To us that would be a pole, not a spear.

Now for more scriptural evidence of post flood giants.

“They are now dead, they live no more; their spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out all memory of them.”

Isaiah 26:14

Who are “they” in the Hebrew text? The “they” are the Rephaim, a notorious Nephilim tribe the Israelites eventually completely wiped out. Their “spirits do not rise”…is a direct reference to judgment before God. All human spirits will stand before God one day in judgment, the righteous for eternal rewards, the wicked for eternal punishment. Hell will be emptied before the great white throne to receive sentencing before thrown into the lake of fire. But these post flood Rephaim spirits will never rise even for that. Their destruction is already permanently done & don’t get the same treatment as humans.

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

Matthew 24:37-39

Jesus plainly says the genetic tampering of the human genome will happen again just like before the flood, and is happening right now as we speak. Technology has reached the point where splicing DNA of creatures that cannot normal reproduce together is being done all over the planet. You need to reconsider whatever sources you are drawing from, because they are severely ignorant of the plain truth that presented in the Bible.

Ken Ammi

Why is it that the three key features of neo-theo-sci-fi-pop-Nephilology are literally exclusively based on one single verse? Because people who are, for some unknown reasons, infatuated with demanding post-flood Nephilim are literally forced to rely exclusively on one single verse stated by utterly unreliable guys whom God rebuked.

You say by my logic “God failed to wipe out sin” but God nowhere at any time said the flood was to wipe out sin so that’s not based on my logic whatsoever and likewise with “the sins committed at Sodom & Gomorrah.”

It can only be due to neo-theo-sci-fi-pop-Nephilology that you could even ask, “what does the phrase ‘and also afterward’ mean” since the verse tells you to what it’s referring—and you quoted it, “those days—and also afterward—WHEN the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them….” ergo: in “those days” WHEN they first did it (see v. 1) and after they first did it so that they kept doing it but that’s all pre-flood, the flood brought the whole affair to a full and final end.

Now, note how you went from “Nephilim” to “a huge man” and the English word “giants” but what you can’t quote, because it doesn’t exist, is what you were forced to write yourself, because it doesn’t exist, “That is a Nephilim giant descended from the Rephaites” which is 100% made up stuff. Also, BTW, the English word “giant” you are reading in your Bible is just rendering either “Nephilim,” in two vss., or “Rephaim” in 98% of all others.

So, when you write, “Nephilim giant descended from the Rephaites” you’re, biblically, either saying “Nephilim Nephilim descended from the Rephaites” or “Nephilim Rephaites descended from the Rephaites.”

But think of what you’re saying, “Nephilim giant descended from the Rephaites” which is like saying “Cat giant descended from the dogs.” It’s a simple category error that violates the law of identity: by definition, Nephilim were Nephilim and gave birth to Nephilim who were descended from Nephilim and by definition, Rephaim were Rephaim and gave birth to Rephaim who were descended from Rephaim.

For 1st Chronicles 20:4-8 you, again, quote a text about a Repha, but decide to assert, “This was a Nephilim giant” for which there’s zero evidence.

Also, Goliath wielded such a spear also and, most reliably, he was just shy of 7 ft. In fact, regular guy Benaiah successfully wielded such a spear in hand-to-hand combat (2 Samuel 23:21). Besides, you can search YT any time for weightlifting competitions and see guys who are right around 6 ft. lifting 1,000 lbs.

But after obfuscating Nephilim and Rephaim you then switch to the English term again, “evidence of post flood giants” but do you really know about whom you’re reading? You’re exclusively reading about Rephaim and you also seem to miss that everything said about them is vague, “tall,” “great stature,” etc., with the single exception of Goliath.

With Isaiah 26:14 you don’t seem to realize that it’s using the root word repha (which ranges form healing to dead) and doesn’t necessarily refer to the people group.

But, fine, you then merely assert, since you can’t quote it since it doesn’t exist, “Rephaim, a notorious Nephilim tribe” and while yes, “the Israelites eventually completely wiped out” the Rephaim, you’re just inventing a tall tale about what they were a Nephilim tribe: again, that’s why you can’t ever quote any such a thing.

You then go as far as taking Jesus out of context to make a pretext for a prooftext. I’ve no idea what in Matthew 24:37-39 is “Jesus plainly says the genetic tampering of the human genome will happen again” but that’s why I refer to neo-theo-sci-fi.

When you read what Jesus said, in His own context, via His own emphasis, to make His own point then you’ll realize that He said the same thing about the days of Lot (Luke 17) so you don’t get to force Him to say whatever you want to hear. His point was to offer two examples of people being unaware or unconcerned with coming judgment.

Friend, please re-read the Bible for what it actually says. Or, let’s make a deal: just provide quotations for the stuff you’re thus far merely asserting.

Well, that ended it as no one replied anymore.

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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here.



