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Did the US Army engage with Giants in Kandahar Afghanistan?

The video which set off the following discussion is titled The Giants in Kandahar Afghanistan. Did the US Army engage with the giants?

Korba Mann commented

It’s all In the old testament look around you the clues are everywhere.

I, Ken Ammi, replied

Friend, may I take a guess? You are chasing the vague, generic, subjective and undefined English word “giant(s)” around a Hebrew Bible and are thusly connecting dots that the Bible never actually connects, is that correct?

Johnper replie this to me

Many huge “human” bones have been found. Wake up.

Ken Ammi

Friend, a non-worldly and non-dismissive reply would have been many huge (and you would define the vague, generic, and subjective term “huge”) “human” (and you would elucidate why you quoted that word) bones have been found (and you would have followed up with something like “and the undeniable, verifiable, evidence is specifically found ___________________________” and then you would have listed the sources). Plus, you moved the goal post.


That’s not reality. The Darwinists, don’t want the God of the bible to exist, so they hid it from the people with the help of the government.

Lioness Roar

The Pit opens this October 31 [shockingly that was inaccurate since that was from 2022].


You could be right.

LV Girl

Sorry, but what is the pit?

Ken Ammi @Zhongli

But you surely see that the problem is that you are reduced to claiming that the “they hid it from the people” only because there is no evidence so that lack of evidence counts as evidence and all you have to go by is utterly unreliable people like Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli who wave tall tales for a living.

Ken Ammi @Lioness Roar

If it does not, will you come back here on Nov 1 and apologize? [apparently not]


this story has so many plot holes lol I can’t believe people still believe in this story after all these years

Ken Ammi @Zhongli

I am unsure what any of that has to do with the video’s context but I would love to be made aware of where I can watch or hear “secret recordings of” “Catholics secretly worship satan in the Vatican.”


Look it up, it’s here on YouTube.


Look up the mound builders and the giant skeletons uncovered in America

Korba Mann

look up Kandahar giant of Afghanistan

Jalil Good

It appears to me you are a skeptic and my fellow christians cannot or will not answer you. Let me be the first to do that if your up for it. I do christian Apologetics. I study and work with scientific and historical facts about the existence of Jesus Christ being who He said He was. I’m not to familiar with what exactly the Nephilim are but translation suggest they are fallen angels mixed with human women. Goliath was about 9 or 10 feet tall I believe I have to see again… anyways what do you believe exactly? Also I was reading a rebuttal of your in these comments please any questions given to me more sensible that what you provided

Ken Ammi @Shadowsight

Appreciate the tips (which are things into which I have already looked, some of which I included in my book “What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim? A Styled Giantology and Nephilology“) but most of that stuff is based vague, generic claims.


I grew up near a town that uncovered a mound grave. There are hundreds of newspaper clippings from late 1800s, early 1900s. A school was doing the dig but the Smithsonian stepped in. They apparently brought in their own archeologists and took what the others had done (photos, maps, documents). When the college professor called inquiring about it a few months after Smithsonian had left, there was no record indicating they had even been there. Through my own research, this is a very common thing for these digs BUT the local newspaper articles about the giant skeletons and what ever was with them (axes) are still out there and there are a few photos that lingered about as well.

cali budz

Johnper and rock faces are petrified giants

Ken Ammi @Shadowsight

Well, that there are “hundreds” is a stretch. I have a whole chapter titled “Giant Skeletons Reported in Old Newspapers Accounts” in my book “What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim? A Styled Giantology and Nephilology” and there are many problems with this issue, the first of which is that fake-news is not new, that newspaper reports are a momentary sipped often with no follow up, some that are followed up on turn out to be various forms of pachyderm, whale or dinosaur bones, etc., etc., etc. There is also the problem that the term “giant” is vague, generic, and subjective.


Hes a giant yes like the ancient Philistine warriors. I’m searching for findings of nephillim. Which are 30 figures larger

Ken Ammi @cali budz

What makes you think so and what do you mean by “giants” (I can think of 5-6 definitions).

Ken Ammi @Rabbit

“He” is actually not anything since this is all based on an internet hoax. Since we have no reliable physical description of Nephilim, then you cannot claim they are “30 figures larger.”


oh ya nearly a whole platoon vanished and the few survivors were bull[****]tin us and their commanding officers

Nephillim tried to leave us all the evidence they could in order to withstand the great flood and last to this day. You just choose to ignore it. Thats ok

you know the biggest statue on easter Island is 75 feet tall and weighs in at 170 tons? Also it was moved miles across the island from the opposite side, up and over a mountain? Wtf is capable of achieving that? Not today’s technology… Not tomorrows either. By the way, the 70 foot statue has a 20 ton hat sitting on top of it… a statue of a giant man. Wtf is all this trying to tell us? Its very simple, use your head with an open mind. Scientists have been proven wrong more than anyone. Dont let them paint the picture of reality for you. Especially when they themselves believe in god

cali budz

type it in on here. Plenty of photos

Ken Ammi @cali budz

Photos of what?

Ken Ammi @Rabbit

The whole thing in BS and that it is promulgated by Quayle and Marzulli is reason enough to doubt it.

Evidence such as what?

I have no idea why you bring up scientists and that I am wondering about such things proves that I am using my head with an open mind. Please see this video.

Colonel Slim Candy the 2nd @Zhongli

What absolute bull[***]

Adam Fehr

just google papal audience hall, weird statue of Jesus at the Vatican, and wired Vatican occult art, they have a to scale thrown there made for a giant, look around bud

Ken Ammi @Adam Fehr

Please mind your manners. Is the “them” to whom you refer “Nephilim” specifically? If so, how do you know “their bones are found on every continent” since we have no reliable physical description of them? The “book of Enoch,” really 1 Enoch/Ethiopic Enoch contradicts the Bible, was written millennia after the Torah, and has Nephilim as being impossible tall–MILES tall. As for the personal attacks: you seem to be projecting.

I’m unsure what “scale thrown there made for a giant” means nor to what you are referring by the vague, subjective, generic, and undefined English word “giants” (I can think of a few definitions and usages). But yeah, that nuclear blast Jesus, or whatever it is, is odd to say the least.

Adam Fehr

what I’m saying is they are described as being giants, and giant humanoid looking bones have been found on every continent, every ancient civilization speaks about them, when I said a ” to scale thrown made for a giant” I meant exactly that, google Vatican thrown or thrown in st Peter’s Basilica and see for yourself, around the thrown are statues of  saints or bishops  at their actual size, the thrown is made for someone who’s like 20 feet tall, your argument is boring me, do some research

Ken Ammi

Please mind your manners.

So, “they are described as being giants” where?

Keep in mind that there are many claims of “giant humanoid looking bones,” and your qualifying term “humanoid looking” is perfect since that is how ancient and people otherwise inexperienced in anatomy thought of them yet, subsequent research has many of them turning out to be bones of whales, pachyderm, dinosaurs, etc.

I see that another issue is that you think that humans always or often make things exclusively for the literal size of the person who is to use them but that is a simple error. You should at least consider that such a large throne was meant to emphasize grandiosity, power, etc.

See my books:

What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim? A Styled Giantology and Nephilology

The Apocryphal Nephilim and Giants: Encountering Nephilim, and Giants in Extra-Biblical Texts

Nephilim and Giants in Bible Commentaries: From the 1500s to the 2000s

Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries on Angels, Demons, Nephilim, and Giants: From 1851 to 2010

What do Scholarly Academics Say About Nephilim Giants?

The Pastoral Nephilim and Giants: What Do Pastors Teach and Preach?

Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers

Nephilim and Giants: Believe It or Not! Ancient and Neo-Theo-Sci-Fi Tall Tales

On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not? A survey of early Jewish and Christian commentaries including noted on giants and the Nephilim

In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch

The Paranormal in Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries: Over a Millennia’s Worth of Comments on Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Satan, the Devil, Demons, the Serpent and the Dragon

Isaiah Bakombo

Actually the Israelites were used to rid the world of the giants. In Canaan conquest

John 10:28 Jesus Christ gives eternal life.

Ken Ammi

I was referring to the specific Hebrew word/concept Nephilim so I’m unsure to what/whom you’re referring by “giants.” But due to your reference to Canaan I can tell you are actually referring to Rephaim, not Nephilim.

Isaiah Bakombo

oh very nice Are you talking about the Anakim? like King Og,

Curtis Owen

The old testament is an orgin story of a backward desert tribe, much like the orgin stories of many hundreds of other tribes. Look around the world, its obvious.

Isaiah Bakombo @Curtis Owen

the story of the Israelites is far deeper than them just being backwards, but a symbol of the state of the world and the coming Messiah as the final Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world

Misty Kimm

goodness gracious! You are something. Mind your manners?? One thing I always hated was a person who thinks they are better or smarter than everyone. I just read through all your comments and you didn’t add anything at all to the conversation.  I think you just are one of those kind of people who likes to talk down to people.  I bet you are a dream to be around.

Ken Ammi @Misty Kimm

It seems to me that a rational person would either apologize or would not do so but would just mind their manners rather than derailing the discussion to launch personal attacks. Note that my comment was based on your actual statements while you played mind-reader as if you could somehow know that my thoughts and motivations were that I am a “person who thinks they are better or smarter than everyone” (which is utterly false) and that I “talk down to people” (you seem to be subjectively emotively misinterpreting me that way but such is not my intention in the least bit). Now, do you care to discuss the issues at hand?

Alan Malcheski @Zhongli

that is almost true…  I was just talking to someone who has been fed this stuff and he is confused about satan and Lucifer, which is understandable, but they are not the same devil.  I think that this is not just confusion, it is more disinfo on top of disinfo, which is needed to make the flat earth story logical.  You believe in flat earth, correct?

Alan Malcheski @Rabbit

that seems unlikely seeing as many of the giant heads were being chiseled down into the rock so that they would be standing when they were finished.  The official story is that the statues were supposed to protect the island from intruders.  But ironically, nobody invaded because they exhausted  all the natural resources on the island and it became deserted.

Rabbit @Alan Malcheski

the largest one was carved lieing flat, 70 feet in length  240 tons

Alan Malcheski

uhm… you would have to link some kind of picture or something for me to ever believe that.  Why would anyone care how much something weighs if they have no idea what it means?


“El Gigante” is the name of it. 170 tons, not 240

Alan Malcheski

Lol I have the internet too, bro… I’m looking at them now.  Try just telling the truth about what you can read.

“The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was almost 10 metres (33 ft) high and weighed 82 tons; the heaviest erected was a shorter but squatter moai at Ahu …”

And all these factoids give different numbers.  Most say Paro was 3 meters, 80 tons, some say 11 meters.  That’s only 35 ft. at the most.

Alan Malcheski

This article says the statutes got buried, so I was wrong about them getting carved down into the rock.  They had to use trees to roll the statues around, that’s how they destroyed their own ecosystem before any invaders could.  So much work, such a bad idea.

Alan Malcheski

I know it’s full of occult stuff, I wrote that already.  I do not remember any giant saints around the THRONE, I do not think it is built for a giant…  I saw the Cysteine chapel, there are saints and big people on the ceiling…  I remember that there are some SMALL statues in the church, like from Michelangelo, or somebody, there’s a mother and child statue, it’s about 2 feet tall.  But the last time I researched that, it said that they change what is in there, periodically.

Alan Malcheski @Adam Fehr

the statue of David was in the Vatican when I was there, I’m pretty sure…  it was 20 years ago.  That is a huge statue.  But that was one of the only gigantic statues I saw.  And David does not have 6 fingers.   He is supposed to be a perfect human.

Zhongli @Alan Malcheski

No, I believe in a round earth. Even the bible says “The circle of the earth” I forgot where exactly is says that, but I don’t know where those people get that the earth is flat from. There are some atheists who believe in a flat earth as well.

Alan Malcheski

you could also argue that the inside of the earth could be considered to be, like, a flat surface, once you’re inside, the same as the outside seems flat.  I believe that space curvature is a real principle of physics, so I think that space curvature actually makes the earth seem flat, and it is more round than it seems to be when you’re inside space that is curving.  If space is curving, and you hold out a straight ruler, that ruler is not actually straight, it is being curved like everything else in space, but there is no way to know that.  But to believe what I believe, you have to believe that space itself is not nothing.

Alan Malcheski

I don’t think you’re ignorant.  The idea if multiple heavens and hells makes the idea of “as above so below” a little more complicated, but that’s a good translation.  People explained things in terms that they and others could understand, and we still do today.  I suppose that you don’t have to believe in flat earth to believe in nephilim, but my point is that you can’t believe in space if you believe in flat earth.  The nephilim are supposedly from…  not earth.  Flat earthers believe that they are being kept in stasis, for a holy war, like, a biblical thing.  I’m sorry to guess incorrectly.


I don’t even know what they believe. The nephalim are sons and daughters of fallen angels. I don’t know how they come to a “flat earth” conclusion.

Alan Malcheski

it’s a very strict, parochial way of thinking.   If nasa lies, that proves that space is fake.  If the nephilim were banished from heaven, then they must be evil.  But the giant who worked with the gov. was supposedly very intelligent and did many good things for humans.

Alan Malcheski

if you like a no holds barred debate, I recommend the debate me channel.  I do not agree with everything the guy says, that’s why it’s a good channel for me.  I am very angry with the idiot I talked to today, he likes to talk over me, and reading that you think the ufos/aliens are demons does add to my anger, but that’s ok, because this is important to me.  I personally believe in aliens, and also in what could be considered demons, but not the standard kind.  I even believe that I may have encountered some, by being in the wrong place for a long time. 

Here’s a hypothetical question:  what if space was real, and some aliens were flying along, and they fell asleep at the wheel… and somehow they ended up going, or doing the equivalent of going faster than light speed?  In some ways it seems like the speed of light maintains what can exist.  I’m not an expert, but if something tried to go too fast, it would not be able to physically exist anymore.  But… would it still exist?

Alan Malcheski

if someone went faster than the speed of light, they would literally lose the light.  I believe that the light of “god” is the light from stars, it has the full spectrum, it is genuine light.  To lose the light of stars is to lose the light of god.

You’re welcome

to make it more disturbing,  something that is traveling faster than light is impossible to see.  But then consider that all atoms spin at a constant rate.  And according to physics (not me) all matter phases in and out of existence at a constant rate, the fastest rate that anything can occur at.  Basically. 

Now, if exceeding light speed affects that rate, then it would cause the object(s) to phase in and out of existence at different rate than everything else, and at a speed where there is no way to interact with other matter, there is no friction, and therefore no way to slow down.  Ever.

What would result is the experiencing of time going backward, if my calculations are correct.  Literally walking backwards through time. 

Have you ever heard of records that had secret messages, in them, if you play them backwards?  Hehehe

Alan Malcheski

I’m sorry, you’re the one who spoke of the devil.


It’s pretty silly.

Alan Malcheski

you are a bible expert, why do you think people walk backwards and all that, when they worship the devil?

Alan Malcheski

time dilation is real, but it doesn’t have much effect unless something is going really fast.  It says that time slows down as you go faster.  So theoretically time would stop if you went the speed of “light in a vacuum.”

So… you’d just stop, because time would stop, right?  Maybe not.  If it gets slower and stops at light speed, what would happen past that?

you don’t actually know who allister crowley was, do you?   Or Michael Aquino.  Smh


I do not know them, but my salvation does not depend on if I know them or not.

Alan Malcheski

there’s another guy from that era named anton lavey.  He was very rich, an occult leader, he had tigers in his house, in random rooms of the house, just for fun.  A complete lunatic, basically.  Just making stuff up.  Maybe it was all meaningless, but tons of people thought he was some kind of powerful witch.  There was a ton of occult stuff going on in the 60s, and it did not just stop, it was not just made up, the rich weirdos at the bohemian grove did not make up the legend of Moloch….  but whatever makes sense to you, stick with that.  I don’t want to destabilise your sanity.

Alan Malcheski

yeah well some people actually do have a symbol branded on them.  You can’t say that there are fake satanists and also real satanists after you say that satanism is just made up and not real.

I didn’t come here for explanations, I came for answers, and I got them.  All I hear is you apologising for cultists.


I never said they don’t exist. All I said is that the rituals that they do are made up. The real rituals happen differently.

It’s more like they want to worship the devil, but they don’t know how to do it properly. And that basically gets them nowhere. Either that or they just said random things to divert people from the truth.

Alan Malcheski

Lol  you don’t make sense, I don’t want to hear more “it’s made up but it really happens but differently.”

Sounds like you do it, yourself, or something.  Bye bye


It’s fine.

Alan Malcheski

you need therapy


What happened to you? You were nice, and now you result to insults.

Gary Lee Moore

The old testament is a fairytale.

Zhongli @Gary Lee Moore

A true fairytale. XD

Jimmy Chanbers

Most idiots would rather pick up People’s Magazine instead of the Bible. Goliath wasn’t a made up man.

we are one

in the Bible you look for the word stature. In measurements many people were to described to be around 15 ft tall, in the kjv Bible

Ken Ammi @we are one

There’s not even one single person “described to be around 15 ft tall, in the kjv Bible” or any version for that matter.

haduken nator


Ken Ammi @haduken nator

I can’t stand YT comments sometimes since I can’t tell to whom you’re replying and since yours is comment #102 in this thread, I’m not crazy about opening them all just to see ;o)


Uhh, noah’s ark near ararat finally uncovered and proven by geologists following a strange rock carvings by noah, remains of chariots found under the red sea (moses splitting the sea), the rock which moses cut in half to provide water for the israelites.

Ken Ammi @WtvrCms2Mnd

I’m unsure what any of that has to do with the discussion.



Ken Ammi @BigHeadTre

So the story of the apostle Paul making tents is from Summerian tablets? WOW!



Ken Ammi

So yes, you’re asserting that the story of the apostle Paul making tents is from Summerian tablets so now, can you provide a citation?

Davis Poppy

Bull [****]

hairy johnson

Doesn’t the same book say the last one was killed tho?


This is more than 2 1/2 feet taller than Goliath was supposed to be… unrealistic.

hairy johnson

I think he’s referring to the anakites. Scripture says the Anakim was the standard other giant races such as the rephatites where measured. I don’t know the details or anything about actually how tall, but there is plenty of source material from the old testament that mentions giant’s or beings taller than the standard human. They also specify the hamites being tall as tree’s. It very well could be metaphorical, considering the hamites lived in and around Sudan and even to this day the Sudanese are the tallest people on the planet. Hams wife, was a hybrid. Her fathers line was that of the nephilim. I see your point and you’re being very critical, wanting actual definitions and stuff. It’s sort of a reach. There is TONS of hoaxes out there and in my opinion, I don’t think there is any solid evidence such as a skeleton. I doubt any government of the west would release that information. Now, even predating the Torah, there’s tons of literature pointing to there being a race of humanoid much larger than the other humans on the planet. Almost every Mesopotamian culture before Judaism mentions it, also there’s alot of evidence such as the granite tombs in the saqqara in Egypt point to it. Another thing that peaks my interest is, the Roman’s who where so against monotheism and Christianity/Judaism one day woke up and said yea, let’s worship that and rewrite our entire belief system we’ve used for 1000’s of years and use this. In their conquest, they must have found or saw something that changed their mind and it wasn’t the crucifixion.

hairy johnson @Alan Malcheski

no hard woods are native to that island. A soft wood wouldn’t have supported the weight. Maybe they carved perfect circle stones that could roll using copper or stone chisels and rocks to hit them with….

Ken Ammi

The last of the Nephilim died in the flood. The last of the Rephaim (or, the last in a certain region) was Og. And, of course, Nephilim and Rephaim are utterly unrelated. Besides, we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim and the only contextually relevant description of Rephaim we have is that some of them were subjectively “tall” compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.

Ken Ammi @LE64SAM IAM

Most reliably, Goliath was just shy of 7 ft. The Kandahar thing is obviously just an internet hoax.

Ken Ammi @hairy johnson

Most interesting, friend.

Anakim were a subgroup of Rephaim: like a clan of a tribe. They were subjectively “tall” compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.

As for, “plenty of source material from the old testament that mentions giant’s or beings taller than the standard human” well, we are only told of two specific heights (just shy of 7 ft. and 7.5 ft.), then we get vague statements such as “tall” or “great stature,” and then metaphors such a appeals to trees, etc.

The tree thing is not about “hamites” but about Amorites and we’re clearly just being told that they were big and strong—period.

There’s zero indication that “Hams wife, was a hybrid.”

There’s zero indication that “Her fathers line was that of the nephilim.”

One of my problems with, “tons of literature pointing to there being a race of humanoid much larger than the other humans on the planet” is that time and folklore turned both Nephilim and King Og—both for whom we have zero reliable physical description—into being big, and bigger, and BIGGER with time and telling—and retelling and re-retelling.

The material out of which tombs were made have nothing to do with the size of the person laid to rest in them. In fact, a very large coffin was found in Egypt and, guess what, it didn’t contains a “giants,” it was very large because it contained three regular sized skeletons. Also, King Tut’s sarcophagus is quite a bit large than his body.

Unsure what you mean by, “Roman’s…worship that and rewrite our entire belief system” what is the “this” to which you refer?

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here.



