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Tom Horn’s Sky Watch TV articles on Nephilim, giants, and Transhumanism

Sky Watch TV published an article series “by SkyWatch Editor” which contains the term “I (Tom Horn)” so I will proceed as if he wrote it all.

Part 5 gets into the sort of territory with which I wanted to interact so I’ll be quoting from THE HYBRID AGE—PART 5: ESCHATOLOGICAL POSSIBILITIES

Within the context of Transhumanism (see my books about that topic, including The Golden Golem Goal) “three varieties in which end-times prophecy may be fulfilled as a result of transhumanism” are noted, “1: Transhumanism as Fulfillment of Matthew 24:37—‘As it was in the Days of Noah’” since “In Matthew 24, when the Lord’s closest disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, He provided a long list of eschatological markers, concluding in verse 37, ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the son of man returns.’” Now, when one so very selectively quotes a fragment of a complete thought/statement, it’s all too simple to force it to say what one wants to hear rather than visa verse.

Thus, it’s being forced into a context in which it doesn’t belong.

Here’s the elucidation:

The legend of the Days of Noah and what happened then is recorded in numerous ancient texts within every major culture of the ancient world, where the astonishingly consistent story is told of “gods” that descended from heaven and materialized in bodies of flesh…beings known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the benei ha-elohim (sons of God) mingeld themselves with humans, giving birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as nephilim…

Let us pause to review:

Now, perhaps “numerous ancient texts” taught that the sons of God/Angels “materialized in bodies of flesh” but such is not the biblical case. Rather, the Bible consistently describes Angels looking just like human males without any indication that such is not their natural, ontological, look. They were “known to the Hebrews as Watchers” millennia after the Torah was written—the issue of chronology will come into play again as we proceed.

We’re told:

When this Scripture is compared with other ancient texts, including Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, Jasher, and others, it unfolds to some that the giants of the Old Testament, such as Goliath, were the part-human, part-animal, part-angelic offspring of a supernatural interruption into the divine order and natural evolution of the species.

This was certainly the view of most, if not all, of the Ante-Nicene church fathers including Athenagoras, Commodianus, Julius Africanus, et al…

These are some of the chronological issues I referenced since referring to “Scripture” and “other ancient texts” we must understand that they are both ancient to us, today, but the listed texts all date to millennia after the Torah.

The Torah was written circa 3,500 BC (with the rest of the Scriptures to follow), Enoch and Jubilees during the Second Temple Era (circa late sixth c. BC-70AD), etc.—and we’ll deal with Jasher as we progress.

Now, Horn mixes his metaphors, as it were, in at least three ways that make for confusion:

To refer to “the giants of the Old Testament” is much too generic since some English Bibles render (don’t even translate) both “Nephilim” and also “Rephaim” as “giants so to which is he referring?

Now, since he writes, “giants of the Old Testament, such as Goliath” then he’s referring to Rephaim.

Yet, there’s zero indication that Rephaim were “part-human, part-animal, part-angelic.”

Thus, he must be referring to Nephilim yet, Goliath was a Repha, not a Nephil.

But then, there’s zero indication that Nephilim were “part-human, part-animal, part-angelic.”

As for the Ante-Nicene church leaders well, they held to the Angel view of Genesis 6 but I’m unaware that they held to the “part-animal” view—and I wrote the book, quite literally, see my book On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not?

Tom Horn then writes:

According to Enoch, two hundred of these powerful angels departed “high heaven” and used human DNA to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence. The Interlinear Hebrew Bible offers an interesting interpretation of Genesis 6:2 in this regard. Where the King James Bible says, “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair” (brackets in original), the IHN interprets this as, “The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions.”

The term “fit extensions” seems applicable when the whole of the ancient record is understood to mean that the Watchers wanted to leave their proper sphere of existence in order to enter Earth’s three-dimensional reality. They viewed women—or at least their genetic material—as part of the formula for accomplishing this task. Departing the proper habitation that God had assigned them was grievous to the Lord and led to divine penalization.

Jude described it this way: The “angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day” (Jude 6:6).

The term “extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence” is quite fancy for what the Scripture has as “took as their wives…came in to the daughters of men and they bore children” but I understand that his context is neo-theo-sci-fi.

See, he bases his sexed up version of it on that, “the IHN interprets this as, ‘The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions’” so that he can read that last two words to mean, “to enter Earth’s three-dimensional reality.” Meanwhile, Jude just seems to tell us the absconded from heaven.

Tom Horn continues thusly:

Besides apocryphal, pseudepigraphic, and Jewish traditions related to the legend of the Watchers and the “mighty men” born of their union with humans, mythologized accounts tell the stories of “gods” using humans to produce heroes or demigods (half-gods). When the ancient Greek version of the Hebrew Old Testament (the LXX or Septuagint) was made, the word “nephilim”—referring to the part-human offspring of the Watchers—was translated “gegenes,” a word implying “Earth-born.”

This same terminology was used to describe the Greek Titans and other legendary heroes of part-celestial and part-terrestrial origin…

This is also myopic since the LXX has “Nephilim” and/but also “Rephaim” and/but also “gibborim” all as “gegenes” or “gigantes” which means “Earth-born” as in born of Gaia—most of the problems with even beginning to discuss Nephilim and giants stem from that people are either unaware of are unconcerned with the linguistics and what the Scripture actually relates about them.

Tom Horn also wrote:

These demigods were likewise accompanied in texts and idol representation by half-animal and half-human creatures like centaurs (the part-human, part-horse offspring of Apollo’s son, Centaurus), chimeras, furies, satyrs, gorgons, nymphs, minotaurs, and other genetic aberrations.

This is seen as indication that the Watchers not only modified human DNA during the construction of the nephilim, but animals as well—a point the book of Enoch supports, saying in the seventh chapter that the fallen angels “sinned” against animals as well as humans. Other books such as Jubilees add that this interspecies mingling eventually resulted in mutations among normal humans and animals whose “flesh” (genetic makeup) was “corrupted” by the activity, presumably through crossbreeding (see Jubilees 5:1–5; 7:21–25).

Even the Old Testament contains reference to the genetic mutations that developed among humans following this timeframe, including “men” of unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood, and even lion-like features (2 Samuel 21:20; 23:20).

We’ll see what Horn presents in terms of anything in Scripture that has anything to do with such mythological chimeras. For now, note that he’s all too ready and willing to accept it due to a faulty premise, some sort of, “indication…Watchers…modified…animals.” Also, note his odd terminology for sexual mating, “construction of the Nephilim”—apparently, since that’s Transhumany.

Note that there’s not a singel indication in Scripture about Watchers modifying animals thus, Horn jumps to 1 Enoch/Ethiopic Enoch (see my book In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch—which contains a whole chapter about how much it contradicts Scripture) since “in the seventh chapter that the fallen angels ‘sinned’ against animals as well as humans.” Quoting one singel word makes it convenient since that way, he doesn’t have to face the fact that “sinned” does not mean nor imply “modified…animals.”

He tells us of, “interspecies mingling…mutations among normal humans and animals whose ‘flesh’ (genetic makeup) was ‘corrupted’ by the activity, presumably through crossbreeding (see Jubilees 5:1–5; 7:21–25).” Again, quoting two words (this time) makes it convenient to make texts seem to say that which they simply don’t.

Here’s the Jubilees text:

And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants.

And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth -all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually.

And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were upon the earth had wrought all manner of evil before His eyes.

And He said that He would destroy man and all flesh upon the face of the earth which He had created.

But Noah found grace before the eyes of the Lord.

That is basically a paraphrase of Gen 6 with the addition of “a certain year of this jubilee,” which shows it’s late dated since we’ve no indication there was any such thing as a jubilee during the Gen 6 timeline. Also, whoever “they,” apparently “men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything,” “began to devour each other.”

The other Jubilees text is:

For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.

And they begat sons the Naphidim, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the Giants slew the Naphil, and the Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and one man another.

And every one sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity.

And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.

And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything.

Recall that Tom Horn told us “sinned” in this text refers to “modified…animals.” Yet, the context is clear, “devoured one another…sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth.” This was not about genetics experimentation but about eating. But why refer to eating as having “sinned”? Because it’s a pre-flood timeline when the eating of animals had not yet been approved.

Sadly, he’s much too vague when he refers to “‘men’ of unusual size” not only because he doesn’t cite anything but because “unusual size” is subjective, as subjective as “unusual…physical strength.”

Now, “six fingers, six toes” is stated about one singel person (a Repha, BTW, 2 Samuel 21:20). I’m unsure what “animal appetite for blood” has to do with it. As for “lion-like features (2 Samuel 21:20; 23:20),” he’s taking a text about warriors’ ferocity and turning it into a text about a chimera: note that his citation is mistaken since 2 Sam 23:20 is about a man killing lions. I’ve written books about each issue upon which I’m merely touching here: in this case, see chapter “” of my book .

Perhaps of all ancient records, the most telling extra-biblical script is from the book of Jasher, a mostly-forgotten text referred to in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18. Jasher records the familiar story of the fall of the Watchers, and then adds an exceptional detail that none of the other texts is as unequivocal about, something that can only be understood in modern language to mean advanced biotechnology, genetic engineering, or “transgenic modification” of species.

After the Watchers had instructed humans “in the secrets of heaven,” note what Jasher says occurred: “[Then] the sons of men [began teaching] the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord” (Jasher 4:18).

Tom Horn seems to miss a logical step: he rightly notes that Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 refer to a Book of Jasher and simply assumes that the book we have today by that title is the very same one. Yet, it’s very well known that the one we have is just a modern forgery (see my book The Apocryphal Nephilim and Giants). Interestingly, the English we have of neo-pseudo-Jasher does refer to “species” which is not a biblical term, is not an ancient term: kinds would be historically accurate term, this shows the influence of evolution related theory upon the modern hoax.

In any case, Horn also very fragmentarily quotes neo-pseudo-Jasher, for what it’s worth, but even then “mixture of animals of one species with the other” still seems to be a clumsy way to refer to animal husbandry. (Jasher 4:18).

Tom Horn further writes:

Some believe the corruption of antediluvian DNA by Watchers was an effort to cut off the birth line of the Messiah. This theory posits that Satan understood the protoevangelium—the promise in Genesis 3:15 that a Savior would be born, the seed of the woman, and that He would destroy the fallen angel’s power. Satan’s followers therefore intermingeld with the human race in a conspiracy to stop the birth of Christ.

If human DNA could be universally corrupted or “demonized,” they reasoned, no Savior would be born and mankind would be lost forever. Those who support this theory believe this is why God ordered His people to maintain a pure bloodline and not to intermarry with the other nations.

When Israel breached this command and the mutated DNA began rapidly spreading among men and animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark and to prepare for a flood that would destroy every living thing. That God had to send such a universal fiat like the Flood illustrates how widespread the altered DNA eventually became.

In fact, the Bible says in Genesis 6:9 that only Noah, and by extension his children, were found “perfect” in their generation. The Hebrew word for “perfect” in this case is tamiym, which means “without blemish” or “healthy,” the same word used in Leviticus to describe an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. The meaning was not that Noah was morally perfect, but that his physical makeup—his DNA—had not been contaminated with nephilim descent, as apparently the rest of the world had become.

In order to preserve mankind as He had made them, God destroyed all but Noah’s family in the Flood. The ancient records including those of the Bible appear to agree with this theology, consistently describing the cause of the Flood as happening in response to “all flesh” having become “corrupted, both man and beast.”

Sometimes terms such as “Some believe” seem to be used to make a point but not accept responsibility for it. In this case, we encounter a fascinating problem for pop-Nephilology-researchers since they claim, “this theory believe this is why God ordered His people to maintain a pure bloodline and not to intermarry with the other nations” but that was long after the flood. See, Tom Horn, et al., assert that the flood was, at least in part, God getting rid of Nephilim. Yet, they also claim post-flood Nephilim. Thus, they imply that God failed: Angels and/or Nephilim must have found some loophole that God missed.

In short, there’s zero indication that such is why God commanded “a pure bloodlineor that “mutated DNA began rapidly spreading…” But on this point, he’s jumping back in time to pre-flood when “God instructed Noah to build an ark…” It’s very pop-common to claim “tamiym” refers to “an unblemished, sacrificial lamb” in terms of Noah’s genetics yet—as I elucidated in chapter “” of my book —this refers to Noah having been righteous.

Of that “DNA corruption as an intended method for halting the coming of Christ,” Tom Horn notes, “an alternative or additional reason the Watchers may have blended living organisms exists. This theory is original with me…the overriding motive for whatever the Watchers were doing with the DNA of various species had to be understood within the context of their foremost goal, which was to leave their plane of existence and to enter ours.”

Yet, this is anachronistic since Watchers first had to “leave their plane of existence and…enter ours” in order to then do, “whatever the Watchers were doing with the DNA” which they would not have had to do since they were already here—in the flesh, no less.

Tom Horn then quotes “Giants in the Earth: Part I: Giants of the Ancient Near East,”

Mysterious World (Spring 2003), “Nephilim were genetically manufactured beings created from the genetic material of various pre-existing animal species” for which there’s zero evidence, “fallen angels did not personally interbreed with the daughters of men” which flatly contradicts the Scripture. As far as I can tell, that article is basically rehashed neo-theo-sci-fi of Stephen/Steve Quayle and the guy who Quayle plagiarized, Charles DeLoach.

Again, all of these missteps lead Horn to the conclusion with which he actually began, “This manipulation of living tissue by the fallen angels led to an unusual body made up of human, animal, and plant genetics known as nephilim, an ‘earth-born’ facsimile or ‘fit extension’ into which they could incarnate.”

For him, this has to do with that, “newly-engineered versions of demigods and mythological animals” will be “part of the coming kingdom of Antichrist…the resurrection of underworld nephilim-hordes in preparation of Armageddon.”

He then notes, “Daniel said: ‘They shall mingel themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay’ (Daniel 2:43).” Again, by prepping us into a certain view and only partially quoting a text, he can then conclude anything he wants. In other words, if you don’t read the book of Daniel then this one singel verse seems to fit into Tom Horn’s grand narrative.

He specifies, “conservative eschatologists Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, in their book, Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon, to ask: ‘Just what (or who) are ‘mingling with the seed of men?’ Who are these Non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel’s passage and its implications for the future global governance.’”

Well, in my book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers (which critiques Horn’s views in detail) I lay out the chronology of neo-pop-Nephilology and Missler is second on the list which leads to Horn, et al. In this case, Missler was mistaken in part since the entire book of Daniel contains nothing at all about Angels mating with humans, nor Nephilim, etc. He was referring to two people groups that would do commerce but wouldn’t intermarry—I get into this in detail in chapter “” of my book .

Tom Horn concludes that two words, “they” and “mingel,” communicate an entire all-encompassing grand theory of everything including, “altering human DNA

while simultaneously returning nephilim to earth,” so, again, God must have failed. He even claim:

…some church leaders have believed the Antichrist would ultimately represent the return of the nephilim—the reunion of demons with humans.

St. Augustine, himself, wrote of such demoniality in The City of God, and the De Daemonialitate et Incubis et Succubis, by Fr. Ludovico Maria Sinistrari de Ameno (1622–1701), also perceived the coming of Antichrist as representing the biological hybridization of demons with humans.

“To theologians and philosophers,” Fr. Ludovico wrote, “it is a fact, that from the copulation of humans with the demon…Antichrist must be born.”

Now, he refers to “some church leaders” and directs us to one from 354-430 and one from 1622-1701. Now, this gets technical but is technically very important since Nephilim were a result of Angels and humans, not demons and humans—yes, demons are fallen Angels but this doesn’t mean they exhibit the same characteristics, see my article Demons Ex Machina: What Are Demons? An example which is utterly key within this context is that by definition Angels are embodied in their own sort of flesh which is human-male-like while demons are disembodied.

Thus, when de Ameno wrote, “from the copulation of humans with the demon…Antichrist must be born” he may have been playing off of the odd Catholic sexualized demonology du jour but such is not in keeping with biblical demonology—see my book What Does the Bible Say About Demons? A Styled Demonology.

Tom Horn tells us, “English theologian George Hawkins Pember agreed with this premise, and in his 1876 masterpiece, Earth’s Earliest Ages, he analyzed the prophecy of Christ that says the end-times would be a repeat of ‘the days of Noah.’” I noted the misuse of Jesus’ words at the outset of this review and the reason is that Jesus said the very same thing about the days of Lot as He said about the days of Noah:

Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. (Luke 1726-30).

Clearly, taking Jesus’s own statement and His own emphasis within His own context: this is about people going about business as usual whilst being unaware or unconcerned with coming judgment.

This is why I have noted that Tom Horn does a good job on dealing with Transhumanism until he correlates it to him very poor Nephilology—yet, such is what allows him to construct grand conspiratorial narratives that are they sci-fi-exciting.

THE HYBRID AGE (PART 6): Comparisons Between Nephilim History And Transhumanism brings us to what I just noted, “There are those who believe the biblical mark of the Beast will evolve as an abstract of transhumanist aspirations and could be a conspiracy employing biotechnology in the form of a manufactured virus or bioweapon.”

Tom Horn notes, “today’s scientists” will “resurrect old forms such as gibborim and nephilim.” Well, we only know of one form of Nephilim—and don’t actually know their form since we’ve no reliable physical description of them. As for gibborim to refer to their form is even more incoherent since, as opposed to many pop-researchers, are not a people group: it’s merely a descriptive word meaning might/mighty.

In THE HYBRID AGE–PART 7: Transhumanism as Fulfillment of 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim

4:3—End-times Doctrines of Demons, Tom Horn refers to “Nephilim 2.0” within the context of, you guessed it, “a dark and prophetic conspiracy is truly unfolding as it did ‘in the days of Noah.’”

Parts 8-14 contained nothing contextually of interest so we will leave off here.

See my various books here.

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