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Nephilim – Giants

1903 AD article on the pre-Adamic races and the Nephilim

ALT Headlines answers Who Were The Nephilim?

Ancient Celts on the Nephilim

Ancient giant skeleton found in Iran

Answers in Genesis on the Nephilim

Anton Bosch & Discerning the World on the Nephilim

Apocalypse of Baruch on the Nephilim

Are there UFOs and extra-terrestrial aliens in the Bible?

Aristides the Philosopher on the Nephilim

Athenagoras on the Nephilim

Augustine of Hippo on the Nephilim

Bardesan – Book of the Laws of Divers Countries on the Nephilim

Beginning and End site on “The Nephilim – Giants in the Bible”

Bible Probe on Nephilim as Aliens and Genetic Experiments

Bible Probe on Nephilim Etymology and Goliath

Bible Probe on Sons of God, Angels, Nephilim and Anakim

Bible Probe on the Nephilim and the Days of Noah

Bible Probe on the Return of Nephilim Giants

Billy Meier, OT III, Gen IV & 1 Enoch IV

Bloodlines of the Nephilim on the Beginning and End site, part 1 of 4

Bloodlines of the Nephilim on the Beginning and End site, part 2 of 4

Bloodlines of the Nephilim on the Beginning and End site, part 3 of 4

Bloodlines of the Nephilim on the Beginning and End site, part 4 of 4

Book of Jasher on the Nephilim

Book of Jubilees on the Nephilim

Chart: early authors on Genesis 6 – Angels or Sethites?

Chronicles of Jerahmeel on Nephilim, fallen angels and giants

Commodianus on the Nephilim

Dead Sea Scrolls Book of Giants, the Bible & the Book of Enoch

Did Caleb and the spies see Nephilim giants in the land?

Did Ellen White recast Nephilim as good guys?

Did Gregor Spörri find a giant Nephilim finger?

Did Richard Christianson photograph demon in Phoenix, Arizona?

Did the Supreme Court prove that the Smithsonian destroyed giant skeletons?

Do large babies mean Nephilim births are on the rise?

Early commentaries on Genesis 6: Angels or not? – interactive chart

Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Woman’s Bible” on the Nephilim

Fallen angel Nephilim in history

Fallen angels, Nephilim & giants in the Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer

Flavius Josephus on the Nephilim

Gary Bates’ Alien Intrusion book on the Nephilim

Genesis 6 Nephilim and mythology

Genesis Apocryphon on the Nephilim

Giant skeleton reports in old newspapers

Giant tomb in Afghanistan & the giant of Kandahar



