The Book of Job – Dismissed but Essential
The Golden Rules—plural? On the Golden Rule vs. the Fools Gold Rule
The Messiah and YHVH’s Passover
The “Science Club of Long Island” claims that Jesus is a fraud
Troll FAIL on historical Jesus myth
Video and article: Jimmy Carter appeals to Jesus on gay rights
VIDEO: “Gods of Egypt” movie and Jesus Pagan mythicism
VIDEO: (Literal) Celebrity Worship
VIDEO: Atheist claims Mary was raped by an angel
VIDEO: Atheist Dan Barker hates the God he claims does not exist
VIDEO: Benny Hinn PWNS Joel Osteen & Oprah
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-18-2015 AD
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update 3-8-2015 AD
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-13-2015
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 1-24-2015 AD
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 12-20-2014 AD
VIDEO: EPIC EPOCH update – 2-14-2015 AD
VIDEO: Gary Habermas PWNS Atheist Tim Callahan: evidence vs. talking points
VIDEO: How Dr. Drew will usher in the anti-Christ
VIDEO: Is Barack Obama the anti-Christ? No, but…
VIDEO: Politics as religion – choir replaces Jesus with Hillary Clinton
VIDEO: Rabbinic Jewish Kabbalah vs. Biblical Trinitarian theology
VIDEO: Sarah Young “Jesus Calling” divine or demonic?
VIDEO: The Man Who Would Be King and the King Who Would Be Man
VIDEO: To Atheist who do not know Bible basics
VIDEO: What is the movie “Tron” really about?
VIDEO: Why is hell eternal and is eternal punishment for finite crime just?
VIDEO: Why “Give the Drummer Some!” podcaster Chris is an Atheist