Article and video: Mozart’s Masonic Magic Flute
CBS asks if Freemasonry is a religion?
Collectors Weekly and the Freemason deception
Conspiracy reality, “The Masonic Fraternal Police Department”
Freemason Robert W. Sullivan on Royal Arch of Enoch (article and videos)
Manly P. Hall: UFOs, flying saucers, space ships, aliens and gov. black ops
Sochi Olympics – Prometheus, Nazis and Freemasons; yes, really
Twix candy Freemason commercial
VIDEO: Freemason Robert W. Sullivan on cinema symbolism
VIDEO: Freemason Robert W. Sullivan on Washington DC’s architecture
VIDEO: Freemason toy and pentacled Chili’s
VIDEO: Freemasons on CBS’ “Sunday Morning” show Dec 8, 2013 AD