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Discussing “Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today”

Right Response Ministries posted a vid to their Youtube channel that is titled Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today | with @hauntedcosmos_ that’s a companion to my post On the “Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today.”

This time, it led to the following discussion after a certain @bobbyduke777 commented

A 100FT tall giant could not reproduce, with out genetic manipulation. There were fallen angels still involved. the designers of the pyramids, which are giant electric generators, was from the fallen angels. The secrets of heaven given to men. That is why the Egyptians or what ever people were their at the time, called them gods. they did wonders, like electric lights and probably levitation.

I, @kenammi355, replied

There’s zero indication of “A 100FT tall giant.”

“There were fallen angels still involved” until the flood—as far as we can tell.

What do “Mediterranean cedars” have to do with it?

What “first giants”? In fact, that begs these key questions:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?

Who was, “140 feet taLL”?

“As in the time of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man” has zero to do with this and “Giants are returning now” may imply that God failed and where are they?

Jesus’ words, His emphasis, His points, His context, were:

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”

But He kept speaking directly with:

“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17).

Thus, this was about examples of being unaware/unconcerned about coming judgment.

The key questions are key since without the answers we can’t know what you mean by “The angel of the Lord…slew those giants.”


The Bible says they were as tall as cedars. “I destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars” (Amos 2:9)

Argue with God, I am not in the mood


Fascinatingly, I’ve asked those key questions to dozens and dozens (and dozens [and dozens]) of people who go on and on (and on [and on]) about “giants” and literally zero have replied. What makes you think that Amorites had fruits and roots growing out of their bodies and whence did you get the very specific “100…140” ft numbers?


I don’t know where i said anything about roots and leafs growing out of their bodies so your making things up from the git. The Bible says they were taller then cedar trees. You need to go argue with God if you have a problem with what I said.


also it was their first born that grew that tall. Because they had to mix with human DNA each time, they got smaller over time.


Friend, please read a text before conveniently selectively quoting it. You ignored the question, “whence did you get the very specific “100…140” ft numbers?” so I will just have to guess that you imply it has something to do with, “height of the cedars” but if that’s the case then, if you imply that Amos was implying conducting a literal one-to-one ratio based mathematical calculation (and if so, those cedars aren’t 110-140ft) then you have to take this literally as well, “it was I who destroyed the Amorite…I destroyed his FRUIT above and his ROOTS beneath.”

As for, “The Bible says they were taller then cedar trees”: as you quoted it, Amos noted, “LIKE the height of the cedars.”

There’s literally zero indication that Amorites had anything whatsoever to do with being non-human who had to “mix with human DNA.”


It’s in the BIBLE GO READ IT! their sons were taller then cedars. tell me to read when you havn’t


They were sons of Anuk, and the Raphaim and a few others, but the first born were titans, taller then cedars. Drinkers of blood who ate all the people could produce, and then started eating the people.


I’m unsure why you didn’t answer my question.

I get the feeling that you’ve bought into pop-Nephilology which is so based on making vague and generic points by watering things down that you’re not aware of the categorical distinctions in the issue you’re discussing.

For example, you generically referred to, “their sons” but didn’t bother stating who’s sons you’re referring to.

As for, “tell me to read when you havn’t” I’m not interested in your attempts at mind reading and it’s rather odd that you merely assume I haven’t read it when I quoted it.

Also, please stop manipulating God’s word since this is the second time you’ve done it and while the first time may have been a accident, now it’s purposeful. Recall that you asserted, “they were taller then cedar trees” but I noted, “Amos noted, ‘LIKE the height of the cedars’” but you decided to ignore God’s word and doubled down on asserting, “taller then cedars.”

You also ignored everything else I noted such that the issue of the fruits and roots.

As for, “They were sons of Anuk” you are being generic again: who were the sons of “Anuk”?

FYI: the sons of Anak were the Anakim and not “the Raphaim and a few others” since Rephaim were a tribe of which the Anakim were a clan.

You jumped from Amorites to sons of Anuk to Rephaim and others and then to titans: see what I mean about being vague, generic, watering things down, etc.: you’re making category errors but seem unaware of it.

You refer to, “the first born” but were being generic so: the first born of whom and when?

Who were, “Drinkers of blood who ate all the people could produce, and then started eating the people” and when and what makes you think so?

See, the more you deal with people who challenge your views, rather than just being equally vague and generic, the more you’ll realize that you can’t back your assertions, the angrier you will become, the more abusive and less graceful and more worldly you will become when the Godly reaction would be to slow down, sharpen iron with iron, and really ponder the facts and change whatever needs changing in your modus operandi and views.


That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here.






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