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Claim: “‘GOD of the Old Testament’ had the Israelite’s wipe out” Nephilim giants

On his Facebook page, a certain Rob Baxter posted the following pertaining to assertions made by the late pop-Nephilologist Rob Skiba:

“This video helps to explain why the (largely misunderstood) ‘GOD of the Old Testament’ had the Israelite’s wipe out men, women and children in some of the villages and cities they conquered… ”
A certain Daronius Subdeviant commented

there is absolutely no justification for genocide ever. you know right from wrong and you know what is good and right. genocide is none of them.

it must be noted that there is only one god and god is good. it’s not hard to work out what it is telling you.

Rob Baxter replied

but they weren’t human

Daronius Subdeviant

they were not animals. they were sentient. how is any of that in the spirit of unconditional love and infinite compassion?

Rob Baxter

same reason God sent the flood. Only 8 people left. He sent it to SAVE mankind.

Daronius Subdeviant

the old testament is a late addition to the gospel. it stands in contrast to it. where as jesus taught that the pathway was unconditional love and infinite compassion the old testament is a list of how bad it gets when you do not hold that as the divine principle.

you know the difference between right and wrong. the scripture is not inviting you to make excuses for wrong doing. it is asking you to synthesize from the dialectic.

do you really think that a benevolent, kind and loving god would try to wipe out those he loves like children? of course not. the story is an example from sumeria where they were trying to hold something other than the most high as their divine principle. they don’t even use the same name for it as jesus does.

Alex Sc chimed in by replying to Daronius Subdeviant

How can you show compassion to genetically altered beings that were practically monsters? Those tribes were known to be murderers for ages, and basically they were somehow descendants and the byproduct of the angels who betrayed God… See more

Daronius Subdeviant

it’s clearly not the same entity. the old testament is a list of examples of how not to do it. it’s full of examples of people calling something god that is obviously not good and if it is not good it is not god.

there is a whole theological progression to the fact that there is only one god and it is good.

people these days do not know how to synthesize from the dialectic or read the bible in the spirit in which it was written.

so it raises the important question ‘How can you show compassion to genetically altered beings that were practically monsters?’. it is inviting you to find a way because the divine principle is unconditional love and infinite compassion. no conditions and no boundaries.

The Chosen Few

I, True Freethinker, replied

Rob taught post-flood Nephilim which is un-biblical and so merely asserted why the “GOD of the Old Testament” had the Israelite’s wipe out men, women and children in some of the villages and cities they conquered. God told us MANY times why He did that but never said one single word about Nephilim.

Daronius Subdeviant

you know what is good and what is not, you are not an idiot. when you read something that is not good in the old testament, do not try to make excuses. you know what is good and what is not and if it is not good then it is not god.

by their deeds you will know them. if they were doing it right then jesus would not have had to come and show them the way, the truth or the light.

True Freethinker

Sorry, I’ve no idea what that has to do with the facts I noted.

Daronius Subdeviant

maybe you didn’t try to understand what i just told you then.

True Freethinker

I’m unsure how refusing to elucidate when someone tells you they don’t understand you advances the discussion: that’s more like something cyber Atheists do.

Daronius Subdeviant

sorry, i just assumed if you re-read it you would comprehend. it’s not at all vague. maybe my first assumption was premature.

i am saying that you know what is good and what is not and you know through the teachings of jesus christ that unconditional love and infinite compassion are the highest divine principles.

it seems pretty clear to me that when jesus christ talks about the father he is talking about these principles and not any so called ‘god’ of the old testament.

if you can read the old testament and use it to justify any genocide of any sentient beings then you are clearly not reading it in the spirit in which it was written.

Daronius Subdeviant

that moment a techno-gnostic tries to use cyber-atheism as a pejorative against and actual theist who gives thanks and praise to the most high and not some demiurge who pulls the strings of your mental construct simulation of creation.

True Freethinker

I’m unsure what you’re going on about in part because you misread what I write: you went off about some sort of “techno-gnostic” when I was just noting that, “refusing to elucidate” is, “more like something cyber Atheists do.”

In any case, you are also continuing to be vague since you merely asserted, “if you can read the old testament and use it to justify any genocide of any sentient beings then you are clearly not reading it in the spirit in which it was written” but didn’t get to THE most important part which is via what “spirit” do you deny what it states in favor of whatever you’re talking about?

Daronius Subdeviant

True Freethinker the spirit of the divine principle as taught to us by jesus christ amongst others.

i’m sorry if the blindingly obvious is not for you. that might be a symptom of your techno gnosticism.

i’ll spell it out again. if it is not good it is not god. you are not ignorant of what good is so don’t make any excuses.

True Freethinker

I’ll ignore your ungracefully worldly abuse. So now you’re asserting “it is not good” but it’s just that: an assertion piled atop another. And recall that this pertained to that, “Rob taught post-flood Nephilim which is un-biblical and so merely asserted why the ‘GOD of the Old Testament’ had the Israelite’s wipe out men, women and children in some of the villages and cities they conquered. God told us MANY times why He did that but never said one single word about Nephilim.”

That brought the discussion to an end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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