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Claim: Cain and Lamech “were attacked by men sent by the watchers”

Such was the claim asserted in the comments section of the video Christian Underground Podcast – The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns by the “UnderstandingConspiracy” Youtube channel.

As for the literal clown show which is the assertion that, “Nephilim Looked Like Clowns,” see my article Is Paul Stobbs right? Did Nephilim Look Like Clowns?

A certain @justice8718 commented as follows to the vid

Cain definitely wasn’t ever in the Watcher’s side nor was Lamech.

They were attacked by men sent by the watchers since they remained loyal to God after the banishment and were beginning to see massive blessings in their land that defiled the elitisms of the Seraphim. Turbocain’s entire existence granted mankind a mastership on construction, while God given the Nephilim or even Noah none of Cain’s blessings. Instead, the accursed of Noah’s generation (Ham) perverted everything Cain established under his love of God into a pagan worshipping nightmare, Babel.

God’s people are normally accursed that their love for God and is grown, tested, and strengthened from repeating Cain’s journey.

So even if the daughters of Cain mated with the fallen angels, God would not consider them the daughters of Cain because they chosen these strange Gods over Cain’s god.

I, @kenammi355, replied

But there’s no indication that Cain was ever attacked by anyone and no indication that Lamech was “attacked by men sent by the watchers.” To what are you referring by “elitisms of the Seraphim”?


Dude, they literally attacked Lamech at the end of genesis 4. The fallen angels hate them and have their followers try to slaughter them.


Okay, so at least you already agree with me that, “But there’s no indication that Cain was ever attacked by anyone.”

So, let’s work on Lamech: you had asserted that Lamech was “attacked by men sent by the watchers” and now you say, “they literally attacked Lamech at the end of genesis 4.”

Let’s try providing quotations and citations rather than assertions, please, since that simply doesn’t exist anywhere in the whole Bible.

God’s Word records Lamech as stating, “I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me” (Gen 4:23) without any indication that they were sent by anyone, especially not the Watchers.

Thus, there’s also zero indication, “The fallen angels hate them”—them who, Cain and Lamech?—“and have their followers try to slaughter them.”

You didn’t reply to, “To what are you referring by ‘elitisms of the Seraphim’?”

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming. This stalled discussion was more just an example of how modern Nephilology, and it’s various rabbit holes, has become the stuff of which un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales is made.

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