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Brilliant Read Media on How Tall Were the Nephilim Giants in the Book of Genesis?

The BR TEAM published an article titled How Tall Were the Nephilim Giants in the Book of Genesis? Brilliant Read self-identified as, “one of the Leading Online Magazines and a Digital Media Company that publishes the finest content around Personal development, Success Mantras, News, Views, Interviews, Startup Stories, and Entrepreneurship.” It’s utterly fascinating that Nephilology has become such a cottage industry that even contextually irrelevant forums are posting about them.

We’re told of a, “Fallen Angel Nephilim Giant Tall Gods Controversy” which makes me wonder if they realize that biblically contextually, “Nephilim Giant” reads as, “Nephilim Nephilim.” They go on to elucidate, “The Bible describes giants in its content and also groups of giants, including Nephilim, who are mentioned once in the book of Genesis and again in Numbers.” We will have to see to what descriptions they’re referring and whether they tell us to what they’re referring by the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word, “giants” especially since Nephilim were included in that category.

They note, “many studying the Bible would like to understand is the actual size, how tall the Nephilim really were” and rightly point out, “there is no biblical notation or concrete evidence documenting the exact height of the individuals”: I would go beyond not exact to not at all even generically vaguely—stand by.

For some reason, they next wrote, “Biblical references and North American skeletal remains offer reasonable speculation of the height of giants such as King Og and Goliath. Some specimens not widely spoken of measure between 10 and 18 feet tall.” Yet—I might as well get to the stand by part now—since we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim (ok, stand by again for more on that) then there no such, “Biblical references,” especially no in the plural, nor “North American skeletal remains” (referencing an entire continent is a bit of a vague citation) since because we’ve no reliable physical description of them how then could we know even if we were looking right at their skeletons?

Also, we still can’t know to what they’re referring by, “the height of giants” but Og and Goliath were both Rephaim, not Nephilim, so they’re irrelevant to, “the actual size, how tall the Nephilim really were” thus, the, “10 and 18 feet tall” numbers are irrelevant.

As for citations, well, they note, “It was purported that ‘dozens were found between 1850 and 1940’” but we’re not told purported by whom nor where it was purported nor what was found nor where something was found but were only given a decade’s worth of time. It may be of interest that I collected together many (99% vaguely generic) newspaper reports from the late 1800s to the early 1900s in my book Nephilim and Giants: Believe It or Not!: Ancient and Neo-Theo-Sci-Fi Tall Tales (which is one of my dozen, or so, Nephilology books).

It’s noted, “The Masoretic Texts suggest that Goliath spanned ‘six cubits and a span’ which was roughly 9’9” and that King Og slept in a bed of approximately 12’ in length. In 1 Kings 6, the cherubs were ten cubits or 15 feet tall.”

This is a case of that what was not said is more important than what was said so, let’s review:

Indeed, “The Masoretic Texts suggest that” but it’s still irrelevant since, again, he was a Repha, not a Nephil. Yet, moreover, what we weren’t told is that the earlier LXX and the earlier Dead Sea Scrolls and the earlier Flavius Josephus all have him at just shy of 7 ft.–compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.

As for, “Og slept in a bed…” that’s also irrelevant due to the non-Nephil fact but it’s an artificial insertion to merely assert that it was a bed upon which he slept—and a merely assumption that it tells us anything about his personal height (which certainly seems to have been the implication)—a, “bed” of such dimensions was found in the Etemenanki ziggurat and it’s not meant to be slept upon but was an occult Pagan ritual object. For more details, see my book The King, Og of Bashan, is Dead: The Man, the Myth, the Legend—of a Nephilim Giant?

As for the Cherubim, they’re also irrelevant to Nephiliology and the implication is that the height describes them physically but what we weren’t told is that the cite text is merely telling us the height of statues of them. And we know that we can’t just take statues of them literally, as in a one-to-one ratio, since another statue of them was atop the Ark of the Covenant, on the sides of the Mercy Seat, and those were much, much, much smaller.

And so, when they get to the statement, “With all of this considered” to come to the conclusion, “Nephilim was likely the tallest of any human, making them range between 10 to 15 feet in height, but that would be speculation” I’m pleased that they included the qualifying term speculation since that conclusion was based on no physical description of Nephilim but only appeals to non-Nephilim—one of whom, Og, for whom we’ve no physical description.

A subsection asks, “What Does Tell Us About Nephilim[?]” the cogently viable answer to which can only logically, and bio-logically, be: nothing.

More on point that they may realize, they note, “Nephilim is mentioned twice in the Bible, in the book of Genesis, and again in Numbers. Specifics on their appearance…size…are not described.” Gen 6:2-4 (is cited but only verses 2-3 are actually quoted) but, indeed, tells us nothing about their physical appearance.

As a side note, since the manner in which they quoted is, “… The sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit will not remain with man forever because he is also flesh; nevertheless, his days shall be 120 years” and a comment is, “Nephilim lived on the earth then and beyond” so apparently, beyond 120 years: whether they mean of age or for 120 years after that statement was made.

It’s also noted, “The indication is that Nephilim were ‘malevolent giants consuming all men’s acquisitions and devouring mankind,’ according to The Books of Enock and Giants, neither written by Enoch” which is quite accurate since 1 Enoch is Bible contradicting folklore from centuries, if not millennia, after the Torah (see my book In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch and as for the Book of Giants, that book convers is as well as that I include both in my book The Apocryphal Nephilim and Giants: Encountering Nephilim and Giants in Extra-Biblical Texts.

At this point, a subsection askes, “Was Goliath Nephilim[?]” the answer to which is, “Goliath was more than likely not Nephilim” which causes problems for them attempting to ascertain the height of Nephilim by appealing to him. In fact, I’d go further than likely not and say that it would be impossible. Nephilim were strictly pre-flood hybrids, Rephaim were strictly post-flood humans, and there’s zero correlation between them.

And they rightly note, “The great flood wiped out Nephilim. The very distinct DNA of this creature was lost then, and there is no specific description of them living on earth following the flood or Noah’s days” about which I will say AMEN!!!

It’s noted, “Following the flood, God forbade human women and fallen angels from coming together” about which what we’re told biblically is that Jude and 2 Peter 2 both tell us that those Angels were incarcerated and there’s only a one-time fall/sin of Angels in the Bible.

Yet, the BR staff went on directly to write, “Similarly to Nephilim, Goliath was a giant.” They’re clearly using the term giant to refer to some vaguely generic subjectively unusual height but that’s not the usage of the English Bibles that employ that term, therein the word giants merely renders (doesn’t even translate) “Nephilim” in 2 verses or “Repha/im” in 98% of all others and so never even hints at anything to do with any sort of height whatsoever.

Another section tells us of, “The Nephilim Misconceptions” including, “The giants were able to escape the great flood…” which contradicts the Bible five times (Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; and 2 Peter 2:5).

That sentence actually ends with, “…but were banished to North America. In that vein, there are legends among the indigenous North American people concerning giants described as having ‘six fingers on their hands, double rows of teeth, red hair and owning advanced technology.’” Yet, there’s zero indication that Nephilim exhibited any of those features.

It’s noted, “the Smithsonian Institute and the US Government confiscated its alleged skeletons and suppressed details” about which I will direct the interested reader to a chapter about that in my aforementioned book Nephilim and Giants: Believe It or Not! as well as the articles Lovelock Cave Giants: lost or found? and Review of “Did 14-foot giants exist Did they differ from humans Author explores these ancient beings”

It’s also noted, “Some believe the giants developed a thriving underground civilization” which is a great way of saying that lack of evidence equals evidence. Also, Gen 6:17 notes, “everything that is in the earth shall die.” But indeed, people who, for whatever mis-reason, are post-flood Nephilim obsessed demand that they are still alive but conveniently place them where no one can see them: in underground cavernous caves, in deep underground military bases, in Antarctica, etc., etc., etc.

Another section asked, “Did God Destroy the Nephilim[?]” and answers, “The Nephilim were not included as something to be preserved, meaning these creatures were destroyed with the great flood” which biblically, is the end of them, full stop, since they didn’t make it past the flood in any way, shape, or form.

Moreover, “There is no mention of the Nephilim creatures with their distinct DNA, living on the earth following the days of Noah. Any references outside of the Bible to such are myth, theory, or speculation, and nothing more.”

But wait, it had been noted, “Nephilim…are mentioned once in the book of Genesis and again in Numbers” and the, “Final Thought” section reiterates, “Nephilim is mentioned twice in the Bible, both in Genesis and again in Numbers” which is post-flood, and, “there are no specific details describing the giants as far as their appearance, size…” yet, they never delved into the Num reference to them.

Well, that’s no great loss since they are mentioned in Num 13:33 which is merely one of the sentences in an, “evil report” by 10 unreliable guys whom God rebuked. Thus, there’s zero reason to believe them.

Any concept of post-flood Nephilim implies that God failed: He meant to be rid of them via the flood but couldn’t get the job done, He must have missed a loophole, the flood was much of a waste, etc. See, fallacious Nephilology negatively effects theology proper. Also, post-flood Nephilologists have to just invent un-biblical tall-tales about how they made it past the flood.

This describes 100% of pop-Nephilologists. And those who claim they survived the flood contradict the Bible five times (Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; and 2 Peter 2:5).

I’ve written whole books debunking them such as Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A Comprehensive Consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al.

See my various books here.


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