This series, beginning at part 1, part 2 and part 3, is a consideration of the book Discerning Alien Disinformation written by Montalk. We will consider alien types and whether there are positive and negative ones. Montalk is not a Christian and is very insightful. There are areas of agreement as well as disagreement.
Let us move into Montalk’s attempts to discern “alien motivations” in attempting to get a “glimpse their mindset and intentions.”
He includes many negative comments about “religion” however, I, for example, would distinguish between religion as a manmade hierarchical authoritative power structure and religion as likeminded people worshipping Jesus together as they develop a personal relationship with Him. Montalk writes:
“What fails is intellectualizing from common scientific or religious assumptions [which he also refers to as being “naive”] about what their motivations might be while rejecting data from less conventional sources [such as “clairvoyance”]…As things currently stand, the decision would be heavily biased by the backwards assumptions underpinning our various cultures, the irrational exuberance of religious expectations.”
Well, if those fail than what succeeds?:
“for the most part, common knowledge in abduction research. Less known is the degree to which aliens can manipulate thoughts, feelings, perceptions, life events, and history itself. Even less known are their more esoteric and nonphysical motivations.”
Yet, he attempts to have a go at it from information:
“distilled from areas outside the usual gamut of abduction research…such as ideas found in occult, gnostic, shamanic, religious, or spiritual works for instance.”
In part II of the book he notes the following about those in whom aliens show interest:
“No one is immune to this except humans of zero interest or those with special tactical awareness who have taken full countermeasures.”
Fully countermeasures indeed; many, such as Joe Jordan, have shown is rebuking them in the name of Jesus—see Alien Resistance for example.
In keeping with the demonic nature of influence or temptation, note the following which Montalk writes about what aliens can do in an “invisible or etheric state” whereby they can “monitor targets without normally being noticed”:
“project strong thoughts into a person’s subconscious, giving him impulses, ideas, or inspirations that he will take as his own and act upon unless he questions their origins and rationality.”
While many people think that the movie Inception was about dreams within dreams but it was, at bottom, about precisely what Montalk describes in the statement just quoted (and the New Atheists have sought to employ such a tactic, see “Inception” the movie and the meme – the New Atheist cover is blown).
“Greys in an etheric state are known to attach themselves to a person like an invisible parasite, subtly influencing the person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors even as he goes about his day.”
We are also told that aliens attempt to hide their actions when the real memories of negative interactions are:
“covered up with layered screen memories of superficial positive experiences, whereby the abductee may have faint memories of being taken and have an irrationally wonderful feeling about it on the one hand, but lingering anxiety and signs of post-traumatic stress on the other.”
Moreover, “other less noble purposes are also present but kept hidden”:
“Another prevalent but little discussed aspect of abductions is mind programming, the insertion of harmful posthypnotic commands into an abductee’s subconscious…behavioral modification toward greater compliance with an agenda and greater submission to the abductors and mind programmers.”
Such mental manipulations can lead to:
“sudden and total loss of faith in pursuits that would have undermined alien control, becoming irrationally antagonistic and break relations with friends, having a strong aversion to certain lines of research.”
An example of a strong aversion to certain lines of research may be researching whether so called aliens are demonic activity or, as Montalk notes, “Alien and military abductors” which would mean some sort of demonic cooperation with high levels within the military (and not patriotic individual soldiers).