I think that Richard Dawkins could make a bundle by publishing his grocery shopping list. He, and likewise atheists, should thank God every day for without besmirching Him by their spoken and published word they would have to get real jobs.
This time he has teamed up with “42 atheist celebrities, comedians, scientists and writers” including Ariane Sherine to “give their funny and serious tips for enjoying the Christmas season.” I bet one of the tips is; besmirch your Christian parents, condemn Christmas but then make sure you wake up nice and early on Dec. 25th in order to rake in the presents!
The new book is called “An Atheist’s Guide to Christmas” and it is another compliment to Christianity as militant atheist activists sit in the safety, comfort, freedom and lucrativeness of countries founded on Christian principles while making their living condemning Christianity. They know that the most we will do is say, “What a shame,” “I will pray for them,” or some such equally non-threatening thing.
Perhaps next year they will publish “An Atheist’s Guide to Ramadan,” or “An Atheist’s Guide to Hanukah,” or “An Atheist’s Guide to Kwanza,” etc., not likely I am afraid.