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DuoSkin – transhuman wearable tech

The Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Microsoft have developed that which is being referred to as a “temporary metallic tattoo.” It is really a sticker called DuoSkin.


The wearer can control computers and all sorts of mobile devices.

DuoSkin is really a technology as one purchases a kit containing gold leaf and create their own designs. This turns the wearer’s skin into a track pad and can display info as an interface.


The basic components are a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip and thermo-chromatic Light Emitting Diode (LED) light.


One app called Couple Harmony is a high tech version of a mood ring.


Overall, this falls within a category of high tech popularly referred to as wearable technology or simply wearables which gets people slowly used to having tech or whatever sort on and eventually in their bodies.


The Surprisingly Simple Chemistry In DuoSkin, Temporary Tattoos That Control Your Phone,” Forbes, August 16, 2016 AD

This tattoo can control your smartphone, computer,” The Times of India, August 15, 2016 AD


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