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Creationism and Intelligent Design

This post provides a link to an audio interview between DJ Grothe and biochemist Michael Behe on Point of Inquiry (Nov. 9, 2007).

Play the interview from here.

I found it to be a very telling discussion in that Grothe asks various questions that are meant to display the various question, curiosities and even charges made with regards to Intelligent Design (ID). Behe does his best to qualify the various issues raised. They discuss everything from the difference between Creationism and ID and from evolution being taught in schools to the court case for which Behe testified.


I thought that this discussion may be useful in clearing up some confusion that is virtually ubiquitous. I though to post this because so very many people, from readers of this blog to PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins, et al, constantly refer to “creationism” or “creationists” when the issue is ID and ID proponents. In fact, someone recently asked me if ID was not a specified form of creationism. Nay, rather, Creationism is a specified form of ID. ID is not creationism which is why there are atheists, agnostics, Moonies, Jews, Christians, Muslims, et al, who are ID proponents.

Find Amazon books by Michael Behe here.


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