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Answering Atheism – Articles / Essays / Posts


This is a list of particular articles / essays / posts, sometimes lists more than one by any particular author.
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Dinesh D’Souza, What Has Atheism Done for Us?
David Limbaugh, D’Souza: Debunking AtheistsYomin Postelnik,

Religion and Science – Logical Proof of the Existence of a Divine Creator, Why Atheism is Not Logically Sound
Logical and philosophical case for the Divine

Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, Understanding Secular Religions – Atheism, Agnosticism, and Skepticism

G. Brady Lenardos, The Existence of God
Reformed theologians, Responses to Atheist Philosopher, Michael Martin
Creation Ministries International,

Inside the mind of a killer
Empiricism: A Glaring Flaw of New Atheism
The New State Religion: Atheism

Jonathan Sarfati, Atheism is more rational?

Jerry Bergman, Atheism – The New State Religion
Renew America,

Fred Hutchison, The rise and fall of atheism
Fred Hutchison, Einstein’s Potemkin villages
Warner Todd Huston, Militant atheism at U of Virginia
Robert Meyer, Christianity and atrocity
Robert Meyer, Atheists are hypocritical in blaming atrocities on Christianity
Nancy Levant, Good vs. evil – as above, so below
Doug Hagin, Utilitarianism-the new evil

G. Brady Lenardos,

Atheists and the Resurrection – Framing the Argument
The Existence of God
Do Extraordinary Events Require Extraordinary Evidence?
The Complete and Utter Destruction of Modern Atheism

Michael Novak, The Godlessness that Failed

Ralph Allan Smith,

Why Bertrand Russell Was Not A ChristianAnswering Michael Martin’s “Atheism, Christian Theism, and Rape”

Doug Erlandson, A New Perspective on the Problem of Evil

Ray Cotton, The Holocaust: Ideas and Their Consequences
Jonathan Barlow, A Reformed Response To Richard Dawkins
John Piper, Is God Less Glorious Because He Ordained that Evil Be?
Richard J. Vincent, The Problem of Evil and The Cross of ChristBob and Gretchen Passantino,

Imagine There’s No Heaven: Contemporary Atheism Speaks Out In Humanist Manifesto 2000
Atheism vs. Christianity, A Response to Unanswered Questions
The 2002 Great Debate: Atheism vs. Christianity Testing the Case: Which View Prevailed?

Chuck Colson, Atheism: a Dialogue between Chuck Colson and An Atheist Friend

Rick Brownell, What if God Were Very Good?
Douglas M. Jones III, Is Christianity Unintelligible?
Dustin Shramek, Atheism and Death: Why the atheist must face death with despair
Kenneth R. Samples, Putting The Atheist on The Defensive, Parts One and TwoStephen M. Barr,

Retelling the Story of Science
The Atheism of the Gaps

Brian Harvey, The Democratization of Science

Glenn Miller, Why doesn’t God give us Proof?
Mike Gene, Old “Study” Meet New “Study”
Giles Fraser, Face to faith – Secularists who dismiss Christianity as the choice of the stupid should turn their critical gaze a little closer to home, says Giles Fraser
Kyle Butt, The Bitter Fruits of Atheism, part 1, part 2
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: search results for “atheism”
Atheism – Free-thinker or Non-thinker
Bert Thompson, The Many Faces of Unbelief, part 1, part 2
Theo Hobson, Atheism is Pretentious and Cowardly
John Woodmorappe, A Hands-on Science Activity that Demonstrates the Atheism and Nihilism of EvolutionPaul C. Vitz,

The Psychology of Atheism
Support from Psychology for the Fatherhood of God

Apologetics Press,

search results for “atheism”
Home study courses on atheism and Christian apologetics

All About Philosophy,

Atheism Defined
Is There a God? – The Question

Come Reason Ministries

Answering an Atheist Part 1 and Part 2
Existence of God

The Editors of the National Catholic Register, Answering Atheism

Gary Habermas, An Interview with Anthony FlewFrancis Beckwith,

Deconstructing Liberal Tolerance
Philosophical Problems with Moral Relativism

John Frame and Michael Butler, Responses to Atheist Philosopher Michael Martin

Stephen C. Meyer, DNA and Other Designs
Robert DiSilvestro, Rebuttals to Common Criticisms of Darwin’s Black Box
Raymond G. Bohlin, Are We Alone in the Universe?Guillermo Gonzalez,

Home Alone in the Universe
Alien Intelligences? Think Again

Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez,

Are We Alone? Our Recent Success on Mars…
A Response to Some Objections to The Privileged Planet

Raymond G. Bohlin, Human Fossils: Just So Stories of Apes and Humans

Richard G. Swinburne, The Justification of Theism
Mark Hanna, Reflections on the God vs Science Debate
Basic Training for the Christian Mind The Futility of Non-Christian ThinkingHenry F. Schaefer, III,

Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God
Is Evolution a Good Theory?
Scientists and Their Gods (also known as Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence?)

Robert C. Newman, John A. Bloom, Perry G. Phillips and John C. Studenroth, The Status of Evolution as a Scientific Theory

Michael Denton, Brief Excepts from Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Nancy Pearcey, You Guys Lost! Is Design a Closed Issue?
William P. Alston, What is Naturalism that We Should be Mindful of It?
Norman Geisler, Miracles and Modern Scientific Thought
Robert Koons, The Incompatibility of Naturalism and Scientific Realism
Robert Hommel, Where is God? A Biblical Answer to the Problem of Evil
Rick Rood, How can a Good God Allow Evil?N.T. Wright,

Evil and the Justice of God, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Review of the Jesus Seminar’s The Five Gospels

Thomistic Philosophy Page, Aquinas and the Necessity of Natural Evils

Mark Talbot, The Morality of Everlasting Punishment
Scott H. Moore, Comments on Alvin Plantinga’s Free Will Defense
Alexander R. Pruss, A New Free Will Defense
Marilynn Robinson, review of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion
Steve Hays, This Joyful Eastertide: A Review of The Empty Tomb
Daniel Wallace, review of Bart Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus
Ben Witherington III, review of Bart Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus
P.J. Williams, Evangelical Textual Criticism, review of Bart Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus
Mark D. Roberts, review of Christopher Hitchen’s God is Not Great
Will Henning , Atheists Turn Up The Volume
Paul E. Little, Beyond Blind Faith
Hugo Meynell, Hume, Kant, and Rational Theism
Byron Barlowe, Science & Religion: Oil & Water?
Otto J. Helweg, Scientific Facts and Christian Faith: How Are They Compatible?
J. P. Moreland, The Real Issue: Is Science a Threat or Help to Faith? A look at the concept of Theistic Science
Bag on God, Answering AtheismAlister McGrath,

The Twilight of Atheism

Bill Hybels, Why does God allow suffering?

Danutia Hillier, How can we surrender our lives to a God who endures our suffering?
Tom Price, Religion causes Wars
Michael Ramsden, How Can I Believe in God When There’s So Much Suffering?
Josh McDowell, Why does God allow evil to exist?
Lillian Kwon, Militant Atheism Gives Rise to Christian Apologetics
Owen, Renewed Theology, An argument against atheismDoug Groothuis,

Nietzsche and Postmodernist Nihilism
The Ethics of Eternity

Joel McDurmon, Zeitgeist: The Movie-Exposed

Mark McFall, Apologetics & Evangelical Atheism – Apologetics In Practice In Light Of Evangelical Atheism (The Need for Quality Apologetics)
Owen Gingerich, Truth in Science: Proof, Persuasion and the Galileo Affair
David Wilkinson, Hawking, Dawkins and the Matrix
John Polkinghorne, Has Science made Religion redundant?, Lecture, Discussion
Roger Trigg, Do Science and Religion need each other?, Lecture, Discussion
John Polkinghorne, Has Science Made Religion Redundant?, Lecture, Discussion
Roger Trigg, Do Science and Religion Need Each Other?, Lecture, Discussion
David Wilkinson, Hawking, Dawkins and the Matrix, Lecture, Discussion
David Martin, Does the Advance of Science mean Secularisation?, Lecture, Discussion
Jonathan Sacks , Power and Responsibility: Science, Humanity and Religion in the 21st Century, Lecture, Discussion
Peter Harrison, The Bible and the Emergence of Modern Science, Lecture, Discussion
Ernest Lucas, Science and the Bible: Are they incompatible? The creation story as a test case, Lecture, Discussion
Mark G. McKim, The Cosmos According to Carl Sagan (1934-1996): Review and Critique



